Python Programming

Programming - absolute basic

fig: python logo

Program is a set of instruction that makes computer usable. Imagine that you want to know the average speed you've reached during a long journey. You know the distance, you know the time, you need the speed.
Naturally, the computer will be able to compute this, but the computer is not aware of such things as distance, speed or time. Therefore, it is necessary to instruct the computer to:

  • accept a number representing the distance;
  • accept a number representing the travel time;
  • divide the former value by the latter and store the result in the memory;
  • display the result (representing the average speed) in a readable format.
These four simple actions form a program. Of course, these examples are not formalized, and they are very far from what the computer can understand, but they are good enough to be translated into a language the computer can accept.
Like we have our own mother language computer also do have their own language which is called machine language.
Language consists of following elements:
  1. An alphabets : a set of symbols used to build words of a certain language
  1. A lexis : (aka a dictionary) a set of words the language offers its users
  1. A Syntax: a set of rules (formal or informal, written or felt intuitively) used to determine if a certain string of words forms a valid sentence
  1. Semantics : a set of rules determining if a certain phrase makes sense
A program written in a high-level programming language is called a source code (in contrast to the machine code executed by computers). Similarly, the file containing the source code is called the source file.
Programs should be correct in following sense:
  • alphabetically - a program needs to be written in a recognizable script, such as Roman, Cyrillic, etc.
  • lexically - each programming language has its dictionary and you need to master it; thankfully, it's much simpler and smaller than the dictionary of any natural language;
  • syntactically - each language has its rules and they must be obeyed;
  • semantically - the program has to make sense.
We don't have to worry about rendering the program into machine language. Those translation is done by computer itself. Whole process if very fast and efficient as computer is very speed and efficient machine.
COMPILATION - the source program is translated once (however, this act must be repeated each time you modify the source code) by getting a file (e.g., an .exe file if the code is intended to be run under MS Windows) containing the machine code; now you can distribute the file worldwide; the program that performs this translation is called a compiler or translator;
INTERPRETATION - you (or any user of the code) can translate the source program each time it has to be run; the program performing this kind of transformation is called an interpreter, as it interprets the code every time it is intended to be executed; it also means that you cannot just distribute the source code as-is, because the end-user also needs the interpreter to execute it.
Due to some very fundamental reasons, a particular high-level programming language is designed to fall into one of these two categories.
There are very few languages that can be both compiled and interpreted. Usually, a programming language is projected with this factor in its constructors' minds - will it be compiled or interpreted?
First of all, the interpreter checks if all subsequent lines are alphabetically, lexically,syntactically and semantically correct or not . If the compiler finds an error, it finishes its work immediately. The only result in this case is an error message. The interpreter will inform you where the error is located and what caused it. However, these messages may be misleading, as the interpreter isn't able to follow your exact intentions, and may detect errors at some distance from their real causes.
Compilation vs. interpretation - advantages and disadvantages







  • the execution of the translated code is usually faster;
  • only the user has to have the compiler - the end-user may use the code without it;
  • The translated code is stored using machine language - as it is very hard to understand it, your own inventions and programming tricks are likely to remain your secret.
  • the compilation itself may be a very time-consuming process - you may not be able to run your code immediately after any amendment;
  • You have to have as many compilers as hardware platforms you want your code to be run on.






  • you can run the code as soon as you complete it - there are no additional phases of translation;
  • the code is stored using programming language, not the machine one - this means that it can be run on computers using different machine languages; you don't compile your code separately for each different architecture.
  • don't expect that interpretation will ramp your code to high speed - your code will share the computer's power with the interpreter, so it can't be really fast;
  • Both you and the end user have to have the interpreter to run your code.
Python is an interpreted I.e it inherits all the described advantage and disadvantage. Of course it adds some of unique features to both sets. If you want to program in Python, you'll need the Python interpreter. You won't be able to run your code without it. Fortunately, Python is free. This is one of its most important advantages.Due to historical reasons, languages designed to be utilized in the interpretation manner are often called scripting languages, while the source programs encoded using them are called scripts.
Python is a widely-used, interpreted, object-oriented, and high-level programming language with dynamic semantics, used for general-purpose programming.
Guido van Rossum was implementing Python, he was also reading the published scripts from Monty Python’s Flying Circus.
Monty Python’s Flying Circus is a BBC Comedy TV series from the year 1969+. It is a highly viewed TV series and is rated 8.8 in IMDB.
One of the amazing features of Python is the fact that it is actually one person's work. Usually, new programming languages are developed and published by large companies employing lots of professionals, and due to copyright rules, it is very hard to name any of the people involved in the project. Python is an exception.
There are not many languages whose authors are known by name. Python was created by Guido van Rossum, born in 1956 in Haarlem, the Netherlands. Of course, Guido van Rossum did not develop and evolve all the Python components himself.
Python is very easy to learn, understand,install and deploy.

There are two main kinds of Python, called Python 2 and Python 3.
Linux users most probably have Python already installed.Documentation of python is excellent so it will be best if you go through documentation.
You can click here and Download python for the desire OS.
After installation to start your work, you need the following tools:
  • an editor which will support you in writing the code (it should have some special features, not available in simple tools); this dedicated editor will give you more than the standard OS equipment;
  • a console in which you can launch your newly written code and stop it forcibly when it gets out of control;
  • a tool named a debugger, able to launch your code step by step and allowing you to inspect it at each moment of execution.
search for IDLE Open it you will see following:

click on file tab and click on new to create new file and save the file. File will have extension as .py
You can write python code there .
You can simply do simple mathematical operation, You can print any thing by simply putting the word you want to print inside print function like if you write print("this will be printed") then the output will be this will be printed.It is this much simple.
You can simply write on the shell or you can write on new file to run you can simple press enter in shell and and select and f5 on file. you can also to terminal with path and run by typing python space filename.
Let's write the 1st code
print("Hello, World!")
As you can see, the first program consists of the following parts:
  • the word print;
  • an opening parenthesis;
  • a quotation mark;
  • a line of text: Hello, World!;
  • another quotation mark;
  • a closing parenthesis.
Each of the above plays a very important role in the code
The word print that you can see here is a function name. That doesn't mean that wherever the word appears it is always a function name. The meaning of the word comes from the context in which the word has been used.
You've probably encountered the term function many times before, during math classes. You can probably also list several names of mathematical functions, like sine or log.
Python's functions, however, are more flexible, and can contain more content than their mathematical siblings.
A function (in this context) is a separate part of the computer code able to:
  • cause some effect (e.g., send text to the terminal, create a file, draw an image, play a sound, etc.); this is something completely unheard of in the world of mathematics;
  • evaluate a value or some values (e.g., the square root of a value or the length of a given text); this is what makes Python's functions the relatives of mathematical concepts.
Moreover, many of Python's functions can do the above two things together.
Where do the functions come from?
  • They may come from Python itself; the print function is one of this kind; such a function is an added value received together with Python and its environment (it is built-in); you don't have to do anything special (e.g., ask anyone for anything) if you want to make use of it;
  • they may come from one or more of Python's add-ons named modules; some of the modules come with Python, others may require separate installation - whatever the case, they all need to be explicitly connected with your code (we'll show you how to do that soon);
  • you can write them yourself, placing as many functions as you want and need inside your program to make it simpler, clearer and more elegant.
The name of the function should be significant (the name of the print function is self-evident).
Of course, if you're going to make use of any already existing function, you have no influence on its name, but when you start writing your own functions, you should consider carefully your choice of names.
The only argument delivered to the print() function in the following example is a string:
print("this is to be printed")    
The print() function - the escape and newline characters
for example output for the following code
print("The itsy bitsy spider\nclimbed up the waterspout.")
print("Down came the rain\nand washed the spider out.")
will be
The itsy bitsy spider
climbed up the waterspout.
Down came the rain
and washed the spider out.
The backslash (\) has a very special meaning when used inside strings - this is called the escape character
for more then one string argument
  • a print() function invoked with more than one argument outputs them all on one line;
  • the print() function puts a space between the outputted arguments on its own initiative.
The print() function - the keyword arguments
Python offers another mechanism for the passing of arguments, which can be helpful when you want to convince the print() function to change its behavior a bit.
The print() function has two keyword arguments that you can use for your purposes. The first of them is named end.
In order to use it, it is necessary to know some rules:
  • a keyword argument consists of three elements: a keyword identifying the argument (end here); an equal sign (=); and a value assigned to that argument;
  • any keyword arguments have to be put after the last positional argument (this is very important)
The sep argument delivers the following results:
print("My", "name", "is", "Jidesh", "baidya.", sep="-")
like wise output for
print("My", "name", "is", sep="_", end="*")
print("jidesh", "baidya.", sep="*", end="*\n")
apart from string we can also write
if we write
print('I\'m Jidesh Baidya.')
output will be I'm Jidesh Baidya
Literals are notations for representing some fixed values in code
What types of literals are the following four examples?
"1.5", 2.0, 528, False
ans:The first is a string, the second is a numerical literal (a float), the third is a numerical literal (an integer), and the fourth is a boolean literal.
An operator is a symbol of the programming language, which is able to operate on the values.
+, -, *, /, //, %, ** are generally used operator in python
Different operator groups are as follows:
  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Assignment Operators
  • Comparison Operators
  • Logical operators
  • Identity operators
  • Membership operators
  • Bitwise Operators

Arithmetic operators:







Add 2 operands




Subtract right operand from left




Multiply two operand




Divide left operand to right




Reminder of division




Left operand raise to power of right



Floor Division

Divide the result into whole number


Arithmetic operators: division
A / (slash) sign is a divisional operator.
The result produced by the division operator is always a float.
Arithmetic operators: exponentiation
A ** (double asterisk) sign is an exponentiation (power) operator. Its left argument is the base, its right, the exponent.
Arithmetic operators: integer division
A // (double slash) sign is an integer divisional operator. It differs from the standard / operator in two details:
Operators: remainder (modulo)
Comparison operators







If the operands are equal than the condition becomes true



Not equal

If the two operands are not equal than the condition becomes true



Greater than

If left operand is greater than right operand then the condition becomes true



Less than

If the left operand is less than right operand then the condition becomes true



Greater than or equal to

If left operand is greater or equal to right operand then the condition becomes true



Less than or equal to

If the left operand is less than or equal to right operand then the condition becomes true


Identity operators
  • Identity operators are used to compare the objects
  • Not if they are equal , but they are the same object with the same memory location





Returns true if both the variabled are the same object


A is b

Is not

Returns true if both variables are not the same object


A is not B

Membership operators
  • Used to test whether a value or variable is found in a sequence (String, list, tuple, set and dictionary)





Returns true if a sequence with the specified value is present in the object

X in y

2 in [1,2,3] returns true

Not in

Returns true if a sequence with the specified value is not present in the object

X not in y
2 not in [1,2,3] returns False

Bitwise operators
  • Bitwise operators are used to compare (binary) numbers





Sets each bit to 1 if both bits are 1



Sets each bit to 1 if one of two bit is 1



Sets bit to 1 if only one of the 2 bits is 1



Invert all the bits



Assignment operators



Equivalent to






















Precedence order of python operators in ascending order








Positive, negative, bitwise NOT


Multiplication, matrix, division, floor division, remainder


Addition, Subtraction




Bitwise AND


Bitwise XOR


Bitwise OR

In, not in, is, is not, <,<=,>,>=,!,==

Comparison, including membership tests and identity test

Not x

Boolean NOT


Boolean AND


Boolean OR

Associativity of Python Operators
  • The order in which an expression having multiple operator of same precedence is evaluated 
  • Almost all the operator have left-right associativity while the exponent "**' operator has right-left associativity
Python Syntax
set of predefined word is called keywords
you can use help("keywords") in interactive shell to see the list of key words
>>> help("keywords")
Here is a list of the Python keywords.  Enter any keyword to get more help.
False               class               from                or
None                continue            global              pass
True                def                 if                  raise
and                 del                 import              return
as                  elif                in                  try
assert              else                is                  while
async               except              lambda              with
await               finally             nonlocal            yield
break               for                 not
Identifiers in python
  • Identifier in python is a name which can be used to identify a variable, function, class, module or other object
  • Python is case sensitive programming language
  • Rules to define a proper python identifiers
  • Python identifier can be combination of lowercase/ uppercase letters, digits or an underscore
  1. A-Z and a-z both lower and upper case
  1. Digits 0-9
  1. Underscore_
  • Identifier cannot begin with a digit
  • we cannot use special characters (@,#,$,!,%,.) in the identifier name
  • we cannot use keyword as a identifier
Identifier in python
check validity of an identifier
import Keyword
Lines and indentation in python
no braces to indicate block of code for class, function or for flow control
block of code are denoted by line indentation
after if or for statement
in next line there is statement with 1 tab or 4 space
In python # is used for comment
Triple quote 
Python accept single('), double (") and triple (''' or """) quotes to denote string literals
Python statement is a each line in python script 
In python variable are often special place to store a result. Variable may include number or value
If you want to give a name to a variable, you must follow some strict rules:
  • the name of the variable must be composed of upper-case or lower-case letters, digits, and the character _ (underscore)
  • the name of the variable must begin with a letter;
  • the underscore character is a letter;
  • upper- and lower-case letters are treated as different (a little differently than in the real world - Alice and ALICE are the same first names, but in Python they are two different variable names, and consequently, two different variables);
  • the name of the variable must not be any of Python's reserved words (the keywords - we'll explain more about this soon).

python function
function is the block of code which only runs when it is called
you can pass data known as parameters into a function.
a function can return data as result
def bring_milk((packets=1,brand="DDC");
                                 print('I will bring ",packets,  " of" , ''DDC"," milk")
                                return packet,brand   //rutrun tuple
                print(p,b)  prints 1, Garatri
dynamic arguments
def bring-_milk((*args,**kargs)
            print(kwargs,"keyword arguments")
Python Data Types
Every object in python can be categorized into different types. The interpreter allocates memory based on data type of variable.
The data types in python are :
  • Numbers
  • Strings
  • Boolean
  • List
  • Tuple
  • Set
  • Dictionary
The 'type' function is used to inspect the type of an object
Mutable and immutable objects
Mutable objects can be changed after it is created where as Immutable are the objects whose contents or states can't be changed.

Object types



























Immutable object can be accessed more faster then mutable ones.
changing immutable object can be expensive as it creates a copy of itself
When to use?
when there is a need to change the size or content of an object
When the objects need to remain same or constant
in number integer, float, and complex number are there.
Python list
is collection of different data types enclosed in big brackets([]).
[1:4] 1 to 3 index list data are displayed
there is negative indexing in python list as well
list operation
concatenation is done using + operator
methods in list
l1.extends(l2) =>l2 is added to l1
it keep value of 10 in the second index of list l1
is used to remove he value inside the parameter
is used to removed the index value
or l1.index(number,start,end)
gives number of index
count the occurrences of number in list
is used to reverse the element of list
this will be the same object
but if we use copy method like
l2= l1.copy()
l1 and l2 will be different object
we can know this by using id method on both list
List comprehension
provide a concise way to create lists
it consists of brackets containing an expression followed by a for clause, then zero or more for or if clauses
l1=[x*5 for x in range(5)]
this results l1 to be [0,5,10,15,20]
this is equivalent to
for x in range(5):
this also result same
string in python are sequence of character data
python has a build in string class named "str"
string can be delimited using either single or double quotes or triple quotes
A valid string literal has same opening and closing delimiter
python does not have limit for characters in a string
String can also be empty
if we want to include a quote character as a part of string 
  • use alternate quote characters
  • use escape character '\' (backslash)

Escape Sequence

“Escaped” Interpretation


ASCII bell character


ASCII backspace character


ASCII linefeed character


ASCII carriage return character


ASCII horizontal tab(TAB) character


ASCII vertical t tab character


Character from Unicode database with given <name>


Raw Strings
Raw string specifies that escape sequence in the associated string are not translated
r o R is added before beginning quote of the string literal to make it raw string
string can also be accessed like list and we can Iterate over string also
String Special Operators
if variable a hold 'Hello' and b holds 'World' then:





Concate or add 2 string

a+b => HelloWorld


Multiple copy of same string

B*2 => WorldWorld


Slice -give character from index

a[4] => o


Range Slice- character from range

a[2:5] will give llo


gives True if character exist on string

‘e’ in a => True

Not in

Gives true if character does not exist on string

‘o’ not in a will return False

Build in function that work on string
There are many python build in function that work on string and few of them are:




Length of string can be determined


Returns Boolean value for an object


Apply function on all the element of specified inerrable and return map object


Print data into console


Return slice object representing set of indices specified by range(star,stop,step)


Returns type if the object

Python String methods




Capitalizes first letter of string


Returns word that begin with UCase and rest are LCase


Returns uppercased string


Returns lowercased string


Splits string from left


Merge the string representation of elements in sequence seq into a string, with separator string


Returns the index of first occurrence of substring


Replace Substring inside


Python String formatters
there are Multiple ways to format a string and few basic of them are:
  1. %formatting
  1. format() method
  1. formatted string literal (f-string)
  • %(modulo) is known as interpolation operator
  • % followed by the datatype that needs to be formatted or converted
  • the % operation then substitutes the '%datatype' phrase with zero or more elements of the specified data type








Float with 2-digit floating point


Float with 4-digit floating point

format() method
  • Formatting can be handled by calling .format() on a string object
  • General form of python .format() calls is as shown below:
  • <template>.format(<positional_argument(s)>,<keyword_argument(s)>)
  • In the <template> string replacement feilds are enclosed in curly braces ({})
  • other text literal than the replacement fields are unchanged during the string formatting
>>'I am {}'.frmat('Jon doe')
>>'I am jon doe'
You must provide at least as many argument as there are replacement fields
if there are more arguments than the replacement the excessive arguments aren't used
you cannot mix manual field specification and automatic field numbering techniques together
formatted string literal(f-string)
  • aka "formatted string literals", introduced in python 3.6
  • f strings are string literals that have "f" at the beginning and curly braces containing expressions that will be replaced with their values
  • example:
>>name="jidesh vaidya"
>>print(f"Hi! {name}")
Hi! John Doe
f-string are evaluated at runtime
What is Boolean data type?
  • The boolean data type is ether true or False
  • define by True and False keywords
  • In numeric contexts (for example when used as the argument to an arithmetic operator), they behave like the integers 1 and 0 respectively
  • The Boolean type is a subclass of the int class so that arithmetic using a Boolean still works
  • Almost any value is evaluated to True if it has some sort of content

Python Tuples
  • A tuple is a collection which is ordered and separated by commas 
  •  Tuples are defined by enclosing the elements in parentheses (()) 
  • In someway a tuple is similar to a list in terms of indexing, nested objects and repetition 
  • Unlike lists, tuples are immutable
  • Tuple supports mixed datatypes
Creating Tuples
  •  tuple() function: a built-in function in Python that can be used to create a tuple 
  •  Syntax: tuple (iterable) 
  • tuple() function accepts a single parameter iterable (optional) 
  •  If an iterable is passed, the corresponding tuple is created 
  •  If iterable is not passed, empty tuple is created

Tuple packing and unpacking 
• we can create tuple without using parenthesis, that is called tuple packing.
 >>>my tuple = 'John', 'Jane',24
>>> print (my _ tuple)
 ( 'John','Jane', 24) 
• Tuple packing with only one element:
>>>my tuple = 'John',     # you need a comma 
>>print (my _ tuple) 
( John' , )
The contrary is also possible, which is called tuple unpacking
 my _ tuple = ( 'John', 'writer',23)
 >>> name, profession, age = my _ tuple 
print (name )
print (profession)
print (age) 
Number of variable on the left must match the number of values in the tuple
Accessing Tuple Elements
Indexing: we can use the index operator [ ] to access an item in a tuple, where the index starts from O.
Negative indexing is also possible in tuple
Slicing: We can access a range of items in tuple by using the slicing operator colon:
syntax: [start index (included): stop index (excluded): increment]
tuple can be deleted using del keyword
Tuple operation
  • concatenation we can use + operator to combine tow tuples. This is called concatenation
  • Repetition: we ca use * operator to repeat a tuple
  • we can perform membership test using the in keyword
  • we can iterate tuple
Tuple methods:
  •  Unlike Python lists, tuples does not have methods such as append(), remove(), extend(), insert() and pop() due to its immutable nature.
  •  There are only two tuple methods count() and index() that a tuple object can call.
count(): returns the number of times the specified element appears in the tuple Syntax: tuple.count(element)
Parameter: element - the element to be counted
index(): returns the index of the specified element in the tuple. 
Syntax: tuple.index(element, start, end) 
 • element - the element to be searched 
• start (optional) - start searching from this index 
• end (optional) - search the element up to this index 
index() method only returns the first occurrence of the matching element.
Some functions that can be used in tuples
sum():  Adds item of an iterable. While using sum() make sure tuple contains number data type only
ma(): returns the largest item
min(): returns the smallest value
sorted(): sort list of number in ascending order
reversed(): returns the reversed iterator of sequence
  • collection o key values pairs separated by comma(,)
  • Each key value pair maps the key to its associated value
  • Built in dictionary class named "dict"
  • Insertion order of the item is preserved from python 3.7 and onwards
  • In previous python version (before 3.7), dictionaries were un ordered collection
Creating Dictionary in Python
 • Keys in a dictionary must be of immutable type(string, number, or tuple) and must be unique
 • Values in a dictionary can be of any type and can repeat
 • using built in dict() function
Accessing Values in Dictionary 
 Not accessible using index value • 
Value can be accessed using square brackets [ ]
• While trying to get value of non-existing key of dictionary, KeyError will be raised 
 You can also assign the value to non-existing key in a dictionary 
• Dictionary value is accessible using get () method on dictionary object 
• Unlike square brackets, get ( ) method will not raise error while accessing non-existing key. It will return None instead. 
• You can easily add default value, if None returned by get ( ) method.
Adding and Updating items in Dictionary
• Using key which is not already in use will create new key-value pair 
•Using key which is already associated with some value will forgets the previous associated value
Removing Items from Dictionary 
• pop ( ) method on a dictionary removes the item with provided key and returns value 
popitem ( ) method removes the item that was last inserted in dictionary and returns the removed pair (Changed in version 3.7: LIFO order is now guaranteed. In prior versions, popitem() would return an arbitrary key/value pair.) 
• clear ( ) method is used to remove all key-value pair from the dictionary 
• del keyword removes the entire dictionary itself
Restriction in Dictionary Keys and Values 
• Restriction in dictionary keys: 
    • a given key can appear in a dictionary only once 
    • a dictionary key must be immutable 
• Restriction in dictionary Values: 
    • there are no restrictions on dictionary values 
• Note: Tuples can be used as keys, if they contain only immutable objects 
• If a tuple contains any mutable object either directly or indirectly, it cannot be used as keys.
in operator is used to check dictionary membership . It checks key in dictionary
Build in function that works on Dictionary
There are many python build in function that work on dictionary and few of them are:




If all of the dictionary are Ture ,return true


If any of the dictionary are true return true, if empty return false


Return the length in the dictionary


Return a new sorted list of keys in dictionary


Product a printable string representation of a dictionary


Return type of the object passed

Dictionary Methods




Removes all elements from the dictionary


Returns a shallow copy of the dictionar


Return a new dictionary with keys from seq and values set to value


Return a value of the key. If the key does not exist defaults to None


Return a list of the dictionary’s items in (key,value) format


Returns a list of the dictionary’s keys


Removes the item with the key and return its value


Removes the item that was last inserted in dictionary and return removed pair


Like get(), but will set dictionary key to default if key is not already in dictionary


Update the dictionary with the key/value pairs from other, overwriting existing keys


Returns a list if dictionary’s values

Dictionary Comprehension
Elegant way of creating new dictionary in Python
my_dict = {}
for i in range(5):
    my_dict[i]= i**3
#using dictionary comprehension
my_dict = {a:a**3 for a in range(5)}
comprehension with condition are also possible
my_dict = {a:a**3 for a in range(5) i a%2 !=0}
Python Set
Set in Python  
•Set is the collection of the unordered elements. 
They are represented by elements enclosed in the curly braces separated by comma. 
Set elements are unique.
Set can also be created using set() built-in function.
Set itself is mutable but the elements must be immutable. 
        {"python", "is", "awesome"}
But if we try {[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]} then the exception is raised 
TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'. 
Because, immutable elements are only allowed in the set, but list is mutable
Adding and Removing Set elements 
• We can use add() or the update() method of the set class to add the elements. 
• Example: 
    s1.add(4) results s1  to be {1,2,3,4}
    s1.update([4,5,6]) results s1 to be {1,2,3,4,5,6}
To remove the elements from the set we can use remove(), discard(), clear() or pop() method
Only difference between remove() and discard() is discard doesn't raise exception in case of absence of key whereas the remove() raise exception if the it is called with the value not present in the set.
 clear() empty the set whereas pop() method randomly removes the element from the set. pop() doesn't take any argument if called with the set object.
Set Methods




Returns copy of the set


Returns the difference of 2 or more sets as a new set


Returns the intersection of two set as a new set


Returns true if two sets have a null intersection


Returns true if this set contains another set


Returns the symmetric difference of 2 sets as a new set


Updates a set with the symmetric difference of itself and another


Returns the union o sets in new set

Set operation
for the given sets A={1,2,3,4,5} and B=P{4,5,6,7,8} following operation can be performed





A|B or A.union(B)



A&B or A.intersection(B)



A-B or A.difference(B)


Symmetric Difference

A^B or A.symmetric_difference(B)


• Frozenset are the immutable sets. 
• Normally the sets are mutable but the frozensets are immutable. 
• They can be created using frozenset() function. 
• The frozenset can also use the other set methods like copy(), union(), intersection() etc. 
• add() and remove() methods can't be accessed by frozenset beacause of itsimmutable nature 
• Example: A = frozenset([1, 2, 3, 4]) B = frozenset([3, 4, 5, 6])
Conditional Statement 
• Conditional expression allows our program to make decisions. 
• Every decision is taken with a Boolean expression which yields either true(l) or false (O) value. 
• Conditional statements are handled by if statements in Python.
if statement 
• Logical conditions such as equals (= not equals (!=), less than (<), greater than (>) and so on are used by if statements. 
• If statements can further be implemented with else, elif and nested conditions. 
• The simple example using conditional if statement to compare whether the value of variable satisfies the criteria or not.
if statement flow chart

if/else, if/elif/else statement
• We can easily create a chain of if statements.
• Once a condition satisfies the criteria then no other code blocks are executed. (in order from top to bottom) 
• each statement is mutually exclusive which means it cannot occur at the same time. 
• It is either condition1 or condition2 or condition 3 and so on.
• It is also possible to create non mutually exclusive statements. 
• Here, condition 1 and condition 2 can satisfy at the same time. 
• The else binds to the nearest if only. For example condition 3 if is bounded to the else condition.
ternary if statement
• We can simply create a one line if else statement. 
• [on_true] if [condition] else [on_false]
Nested if statement
• Nested scenario occurs when an if else statement is present inside the body of another "if" or "else". 
• It is better used to test a combination of conditions before making a proper decision.
Python Loops
Loops in Python world 
• Loops help you to execute a block of code repeatedly 
• Python world has two types of loops: 
    • For loop 
    • While loop
For loop 
• For loop is used for iterating over a sequence (that is either a list, a tuple, a dictionary, a set, or a string). 
• Syntax:
     for var in sequence:
         body Of loop 
    • var takes the value of the item inside the sequence on each iteration 
    • Loop continues through every item in the sequence until and unless we break it     using the break keyword
For loop: the difference 
• for statement in Python differs a bit from what we may be used to in C or Pascal. 
• Unlike needing an arithmetic progression of numbers (as Pascal) or needing iteration step and halting condition (as C), for statement in python iterates over the items of any sequence.
flow Chart o the for loop:

range() function: 
• Built-in function used to generate a sequence of numbers. 
• range() in Python(3.x) is just a renamed version of a function called xrange() in Python(2.x) 
• Syntax: 
    range (start, stop, step size) 
    • start: integer starting from which the sequence of integers is to be returned 
    • stop: integer before which the sequence of integers is to be returned, range of         integers end at stop — 1. 
    • step_size: integer value which determines the increment between each integer         in the sequence
enumerate() function:
 • Built-in function adds a counter to an iterable and returns it in a form of enumerate object 
• allows you to loop over a collection of items while keeping track of the current item's index in a counter variable. 
• Syntax: enumerate (iterable, start = 0) 
    • Iterable: any object that supports iteration
    • start: the index value from which the counter is to be started, by default it is O
while loop (Indefinite Iteration) 
• while loop executes a set of statements as long as a condition is true. 
• Syntax:
     while expression:
         body of loop 
• expression is condition that translates to either True or False 
• body of loop contains the code block you want to execute if expression satisfies
Flowchart of while loop:

While loop examle:
sequence can also be used;
seq= [1,2,3,'loop','testing]
while seq:
in each iteration an item is popped
in the last iteration the sequence is empty hence loop stops
Control statements
Used to alter the flow of code block in which it is being used
Supported control statements in Python are: 
Break Statement 
Continue Statement 
Pass Statement
Break Statement 
Used to terminate the loop or statement in which it is present 
Syntax: break 
After the execution of break statement, control is passed to the available code block In case of nested loops only the loops containing break statement will terminate
for c in word:
    if c.lower() in ['a','e','i','o','u']:
break statement flowchart

Continue Statement 
Used to skip the current execution of loop or statement following the continue statement and the next iteration of the loop or statement will start 
Syntax: continue 
Forces to execute next iteration rather than terminating
to illustrate the continue statement lets investigate the following problem
you are told to scan each character of the word "PYTHON" and print it in the console. Later you are told not to print vowel letters in the word
for c in word:
    if c.lower() in ['a','e','i','o','u']:
Pass Statement
 Placeholder for future code 
• Used when statement is required syntactically but execution of the code is not  wanted 
Like null operation (as nothing happens when executed, no errors will raise) 
Used to create empty control statement, function and classes. 
 • Syntax: pass
More on Control Statement 
• else statement supported in python with a loop statement 
• else statement is executed once the for loop gets exhausted iteration and in case of while loop, when the condition becomes false.
Introduction (Iterator) 
• In Python iterators are objects which can be iterated upon. 
• We can define iterators as objects that can be used with 'for in loop'. 
• Iterator follows the iterator protocol:
     • Iterator must implement iter ( ) method 
    • Iterator must implement next ( ) method (we will cover these magic methods later)
• Iterable objects in Python are objects from which we can get iterator.
• Strings, Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries, and Sets are the built-in iterable objects. 
• All the iterable objects have iter ( ) method. 
• We can use the function iter ( ) (which will call iter ( ) eventually) on iterable object to get an iterator.
Iterating through an Iterator
 • next ( ) function is used on iterator (which will call next ( ) method eventually) to manually iterate through all the items of an iterator. 
• Once all the items have been returned by next ( ) (no data for iteration), then it will raise Stoplteration.
How for loop works in Python? . 
• At first, for loop creates an iterator object internally, by calling iter ( ) function on iterable.
• After that, the while loop repeatedly calls next ( ) function on iterator to retrieve values from it 
• When the next ( ) function finishes returning items from iterator, it raises Stoplteration. 
• After the raise of Stoplteration, the loop ends there.
Simple in iterator we can use loop.
Iterator are those object that can be changed into iterator
Generator in python
• Generator are simplified iterators (elegant kind of iterator) 
• Generator allows you to write iterators in an elegant syntax, it avoid writing classes with iter ( ) and next ( ) methods. 
• NOTE: Any generator also is an iterator(not vice versa)
Creating Generators in Python 
• A generator can be created by defining a function which will use yield statement instead of return statement. 
• yield statement also returns value but in a slightly different way than the return statement 
• return statement terminates a function on one function call whereas yield statement keeps track of current states and resumes from the place where it left on successive function call. 
• A generator function contains at least one yield statement and can have any number of other yield statements or return statements. 
• Stoplteration is raised on further function call once the function terminates.
Creating Generators in Python
  • we will started by creating a simplest infinite generator
    def duclicator(val):
        while True:
            yeild val     
    duplicates= duplcator(5)
    <class 'generator'>
  • next() unction works just like in the iterators form previous topics 
we can easily create the generate fibonacci series using generator function
def fibonacci_generator(max_value):
    yeild first
    yeild second
    While True:
        if count < max_value:
            count +=1
            yield second
ficonacci_3= fibonacci_generator(3)
for fib in fibonacci_3:
Generator expression 
• Generator expressions provide an effective shortcut for writing iterators. 
• All generator topics covered till this slide were basically the generator functions. 
• Generator expression adds another layer of syntactic sugar on top of generator function. 
• Generator expressions generate values "just in time" like a class- based iterator or a generator function would, they are very memory efficient.
• Like the lambda function creates anonymous function, generator expression creates an anonymous generator function. 
• In simple generator expression is a type of generator which is equivalent of list comprehension. 
• A generator expression is like the list comprehension but, the square brackets are replaced by round parenthesis. 
• Generator expressions are memory efficient than an equivalent list comprehension
greetings=('Namaste' for i in range(3))
print('messages: ')
for greet in greetings:
type: <class 'generator'>
obj : <generator object <genexpr> at 0x7f4cf4032cf0>
# generator expression template:
gen_exp = (expression for item in collection if condition)  
# generator function template: 
def my _ generator( ) :
     for item in collection:
         if condition: 
                yield expression
If a generator expression is used as the single argument to a function, then the parenthesis surrounding a generator expression can be ignored.
Good practice on writing beautiful generator expression 
• There is no specific rule to follow how deep your generator expression can be nested. 
• We would recommend generator expression that is not more than two levels of nesting. 
• It would be easy to maintain in the future 
• It would be easy to understand what we are going to do with the generator expression 
• For complex iterators, it is better to write a generator function or even a class-based iterator chains. 
• We will cover chaining of generator in next slide.
Chain of generators 
• Chaining together multiple generators 
• Generators can be chained together to form highly efficient and maintainable data processing pipelines. 
• We chain multiple generators in a sequence so that the yielded result of a generator is passed to another generator for processing. 
• Inside chaining of generators, the data processing happens one element at a time.
we define 3 generator function to illustrate the example
Function in python
def integers( ) :
     for i in range(1,5)
         yield i 
def squared( seq):
     for t in seq:
         yield i*i
                                                    squared=(i*i for i in integers)
def negated( seq):
     for in seq: 
        yield -i 
                                        negated=(-i for i in squared)
Is generator expression better than generator function in generator chaining?
 • Generator expression cannot be configured with function arguments 
• We can't reuse the same generator expression multiple times in the same processing pipeline. 
• We can use the mix of generator expression and generator function
Iterators, Iterables, Generators in nutshell

Function in Python 
  • Block of organized, reusable code that is used to perform a single, related action 
  • High degree of code reusing 
  • Easy to break down the large programs into smaller and modular chunks 
  • Easy to organize and manage larger programs 
  • Types of functions in Python: 
  • Built-in functions
  •  User-defined functions
  •  There are many built-in functions in Python, and we can create our own custom functions
Defining a Function
syntax for defining function is as follows:
def <function_name>([<parameters>]):




Informs python that function is being defined


A valid python identifier that names the function


An optional comma separated list of parameters that may be passed to function


Punctuation that denotes end of python function header (name and parameter)


A block o valid python statements


There are certain rules we need to consider while defining function

function Arguments
we can pass one or more number of data as an argument while defining fnunction
Arguments can be object, variables and functions
the different types of formal arguments we can use:
Default Argument values
Keyword Arguments
Arbitrary Argument List 

Default Argument Values
 • The most practical way is to set out a default value for arguments.
 • Default values are used if no argument value is passed during a function call.
 • The default value is assigned by using assignment(=) operator of the form keyword=value. 
• In an example a function named welcome can be called in various ways.

order of defining Aruments
there order of defining parameter in function are
1. positional parameter or non default paraeter i.e(sum,total,data,user)
2.Keyword parameter or default parameter i.i (sum="50",user="mark")
3.Keyword only parameter i.e (*args)
4.var-keyword parameter i.i.(**kwargs)
keyword arguments must follow positional arguments
we can;t define (x="value",c) in function where c is positional argument

Keyword Arguments • Functions can be defined using keyword arguments of the form kwargs=value.

Arbitrary Argument Lists 
• Arbitrary means unpredictable. 
• Function can be called with an arbitrary number of arguments. That means we are unknown of the exact numbers. 
• We use an asterisk ( * ) before the parameter name such as *args, *names, etc.

More on Python Functions 
• Functions in Python are first-class citizens.
 • Properties of first-class functions are:
          Functions are objects
        • Functions can be stored in data structure 
        • Functions can be passed to other functions 
        • Functions can be nested 
        • Objects can behave like functions

• Function objects and their names are two separate concerns. You can delete the function's original name 'func'. Since 'greet' still points to the underlying function, you can still call the function through it.

Just like with other python object you can store function in a data structure

Functions can be passed to other functions 
• In Python, functions are object and just like other objects functions can be passed as arguments.

Functions can be passed to other functions
 • Functions that can accept other functions as arguments are also known as higher-order function. 
• The traditional example for higher-order functions in Python is the built-in map function. (We will cover in Python lambda functions)

Objects can behave like functions 
• This part is related to the concept of Object-Oriented Programming in Python. You can visit this later once you got OOP concepts. We will cover OOP after few topics.
 • All functions are objects, but not all the objects are function. But they can be made callable, which allows you to treat them like functions in many cases. 
• You need to define a class with call method, and objects of that class can be used as callable by using the round parenthesis function call syntax on it (even we can pass the function call arguments).

Map, filter and reduce function in python

 • lambda function is a small anonymous function 
• Uses lambda keyword
 • Anonymous functions are defined without a name 
• Syntax: lambda arguments: expression 
• Lambda functions can have any number of arguments, but are syntactically restricted to a single expression
• Rules which need to be considered while defining a function:
     • Function block starts with keyword 'def' followed by the function name and             parenthesis ( ( ) ). (function naming follows the rule of identifier naming,                    explained in the python basics ) 
    • Parameters(arguments) are optional and should be placed within the                            parenthesis if used. 
    • Code block within every function starts with colon (:) and block itself is                   indented. 
    • Docstring of a function is optional 
    • The return statement is optional
sqr=lambda x: x**1
it is same as 
def sqr(x):
(lambda x: x 6 >>> add = lambda a, add (2, 5) >>> mul lambda a, b (2, 16) 32 lambda a, b, 17 c c
Difference between function and lambda: 
>>> add = lambda x, y: x + y 
>>> add 
<function < lambda> at Ox7ff63d9c5400> 
>>>def add (x, y): 
            return x + Y 
>>> add < function add at Ox7ff63d9c5488> 
• Both functions add two integers, accept two arguments 
• But you may notice that the naming is different
 • The function name is add for a function defined with def, whereas the Python 

Difference between function and lambda: 
• As Python versions 3.5 and greater support type hinting, here is a simple function whose argument and return type are declared in the annotations 
>>> def greeting(name : str) —> str:
            return "HEllo ' + name 
• This is not possible in lambda functions, raises SvntaxError 
>>> lambda name: str: 'Hello ' + name --> str
File  "<stdin>", line1
lambda name File "<stdin>" , line 1 lambda name: str : 'Hello + name
 SyntaxError: invalid syntax 

Python lambda I filter, map, reduce 

• filter(): built-in function that takes in a function and a list as arguments 
• It takes a predicate as a first argument and an iterable as a second argument. 
• The function is called with all the items in the list and a new list is returned which contains items for which the function evaluates to True.
even= lambda x: x%2 ==0

 map(): built-in function that takes in a function and a list as arguments 
• It takes a predicate as a first argument and an iterable as a second argument. 
• New list is returned which contains all the lambda modified items returned by that function for each item 
>>>sqr= lambda x: x* *2
>>>list( (map (sqr, [1, 2, 3, 4,5,6,7,8)
map (lambda x: x* 2, range (1, 4) )
 >>>print (x) 
<map object at Ox7ff63d9c0f60> 
>>>print (list (x) )
• Function above uses map function and lambda, which maps values from range function (start =1, stop = 4-1) to the lambda function which double the value (x* 2) • If we print variable x, it shows map object because map() function returns map object, we convert it to a list in the final step 
• We can write it in a single step as: list (map (lambda X : X* 2))
Python lambda I filter, map, reduce 
• reduce(): function that takes in a function and a list as arguments, this is a part of functools module
 • It is called with a lambda function and a list and a new reduced result is returned • This performs a repetitive operation over the pairs of the list 
>>>from functools import reduce 
>>>add= lambda x, y: x+y 
>>>reduce (add, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
• Here the results of previous two elements are added to the next element and this goes on till the end of the list like (((((1+2)+3)+4)+5)+6).

Map , Filter , Reduce in a nutshell

map ===> mapping each element and return new iterator
filter ===>filter out one element and return iterator of the meet condition
reduce ===> used all element and return single element

Python decorators
What are python decorators? 
• A decorator is a design pattern in Python that allows a user to add new functionality to an existing object without modifying its structure 
• decorators add functionality to an existing code, which is also called metaprogramming as a part of the program tries to modify another part of the program at compile time 
• Decorators are usually called before the definition of a function you want to decorate.

Prerequisites for learning decorators: 
• Functions 
• Higher-order functions 
• closures in Python
• We have already discussed about functions and higher order functions and now we'll cover closures

What are python closures?
The greet() function is called with "Hello world" as argument and the returned function is bound to the name message. 
On calling message(), the message was still remembered although we had already finished executing the greet() function.

def greet(msg):
    #this is outer enclising function
    def print_messae():
        #this is the nested function
   return print_message    #returns the nested function

#new let's try calling this function
message=greet("Hello world")

#output will be:
Hello world

Closure is a function (object) that remembers its creation environment (enclosing scope). In this case, "Hello world" gets attached to the code. This is called Python closure
Python closure criteria:
 • There must be a nested function 
• The nested function must refer to a value defined in the enclosing function 
• The enclosing function must return the nested function

• We have a regular function ordinary() which prints 'ordinary!' When called
 • We have a decorator function which has an inner function inner func that calls the function passed as argument in decorate_me 
• decorate_me() returns inner_func, as discussed in closure.
>>>ordinary( ) 
 >>> decorated = decorate_me(ordinary) 
# decorating the ordinary function
 decorated( )
 It is now decorated! 
• Here, decorate_me() is a decorator, function ordinary() got decorated and the returned function was given the name decorated. 
• decorate_me(ordinary) returns a function that we call on the final step to see the decorated result.
• We can see that the decorator function added some new functionality to original function
Decorator: breakdown 
• Generally, we decorate a function and reassign it as, ordinary = decorate_me(ordinary) 
• So that when you call ordinary() it is decorated 
• This is a common construct and for this reason, Python has a syntax to simplify this. 
• We can use the @ symbol along with the name of the decorator function

Chaining decorators: 
• We can decorate a function multiple times by same decorator or multiple decorators. 
• Let's create another decorator add info, which adds info as shown. 
• Here, the function shout() has been decorated multiple times
What is Object Oriented Programming(OOP)?
 • A programming paradigm which provides a means of structuring programs so that properties and behaviors are bundled into individual objects. 
• It allows us to think of the data in our program in terms of real- world objects, with both properties and behaviors. 
• Properties define the state of the object. This is the data that the object stores.
 • Behaviors are the action take. Oftentimes, this involves using or modifies of our object.
• A class is a blueprint for the object 
• It is a user-defined prototype for an object that defines a set of attributes that characterize any object of the class.
Classes: Creating Classes 
• Start with the class keyword to indicate that you are creating a class 
• The keyword is followed by the name of the class. 
• According to the PEP 8 style guide, class names should normally use the CapWords convention I.e., CamelCase notation. 
• Note: When using acronyms in CapWords, capitalize all the letters of the acronym. Thus HTTPServerError is better than HttpServerError.
 Creating Classes 
class Vehicle:
• We have used keyword class to indicate that we are creating a class. 
• We have used keyword pass in the place where the code will eventually go 
• This creates a class named Vehicle, this process is called class definition
• An object (instance) is an instantiation of a class. 
• Class definition defines the description for the object and hence no memory or storage is allocated 
• Once we have our class, we can instantiate it to create a new object from that class. 
• The created object has the type of the class it was instantiated from.
Instantiating classes:
 (creating objects) 
obj = Vehicle( ) 
• Here, obj is an object of class Vehicle
Class and Instance Attributes 
• Classes contain characteristics called Attributes: instance attributes and class attributes. 
• Instance attribute: Instance Attributes are unique to each object, (an instance is another name for an object). 
class Vehicle: 
    def color,(self,color,doors):
     self.color= color 
     self.doors = doors 
• Here, any Vehicle object we create will be able to store its color and door. We can change  either vehicle object, without affecting any other objects we've created
Class and Instance Attributes 
__ init__():__ init__ is called the initializer.
 • It is automatically called when we instantiate the class. 
• Its job is to make sure the Class has any attributes it needs. 
• It also makes sure that the Object is in a valid State When it'S instantiated, it'd be invalid if user try instantiating an Object using negative value for doors attribute, wouldn't it? 

Class and Instance Attributes

class attributes are unique to each class.

Each instance of the class will have this attribute

class Vechicle:


    def __init__(self,color,doors):



here category is a class attribute

class and Instance Attributes: (Example)


• Functions defined inside the body of a class. 
• They are used to define the behaviors of an object. 
• Just like functions, methods can accept parameters, and they can access the attributes of the object they belong to. 
• Let's add a method description() in our class Vehicle and try accessing the method 

• Inheritance is the process by which one class takes on the attributes and methods of another. 
• Newly created classes are called child classes or derived classes. 
• The classes that child classes are derived from are called parent classes or base classes
 • Child classes contain the details of the parent class they're derived form

Type of Inheritance 
• Single Inheritance 
• Multiple Inheritance 
• Multilevel Inheritance
 • Hierarchical Inheritance 
• Hybrid Inheritance

• Encapsulation is one Of the fundamental concepts in object-oriented programming (OOP).
 • It describes the idea of wrapping data and the methods that work on data within one unit. 
• This puts restrictions on accessing variables and methods directly and can prevent the accidental modification of data. 
• To prevent accidental change, an object's variable can only be changed by an object's method.
• Those type of variables are known as private variable.

• A class is an example of encapsulation as it encapsulates all the data that is member functions, variables, etc.

Protected members 
• Protected members are those data members of a class that can be accessed within the class and the classes derived from that class 
• But unlike in Java or C++, protected members can be accessed in python. 
• All members in a Python class are public by default 
• Python's convention to make an instance variable protected is to add a prefix _ (single underscore) to it 
• By prefixing the name of your member with a single underscore, you're telling others "don't touch this, unless you're a subclass".


• Here, we have _mileage as out protected attribute. 
• Protected members can be modified using instance variables as shown in the code, _ mileage has been changed to 25 
• Hence, a responsible programmer would refrain from accessing and modifying instance variables prefixed with _ from outside its class.

Private members 
• Private members are those members of a class that accessible within the class only • But it is not strict in python as they can be accessed from outside the class as well • Private access modifier is the most secure access modifier 
• Data members of a class are declared private by adding a double underscore '__' symbol before the data member of that class.
• It gives a strong suggestion not to touch it from outside the class. Any attempt to do so will result in an AttributeError

we can check all the method and attribute of any object with the helo of dir( ) function

Name mangling: 
• If you see closely, you can an attribute named _ Vehicle__mileage attribute 
• That is our mileage private attribute. 
• This is called name mangling that the Python interpreter applies. It does this to protect the variable from getting overridden in subclasses. 
• Python applies name mangling to methods as well

Accessing Protected and Private members : 
• So, now we know unlike many programming languages like Java and C++, private and protected members are a bit different in python. 
• They can be accessed from outside the class as we have shown it in previous slides • But that is a bad practice and should be refrained.

Python - Magic Methods (Dunder) 
• Magic methods in Python are the special methods which add "magic" to your class 
• They have two prefix and suffix underscores in the method name, Dunder here means "Double Under (Underscores) init () is a magic method. 
• For example, the object initializer 
• You can use dir([objectl) to see a list of valid attributes of the object,

some important magic methods
new() method:
__new__() magic method is implicitly called before the __init__() method
It return a new object which is then initialized  by __init__()

str() method
__str__() us usually overridden to return a printable string representation of user defined class as shown in code
when we print the object it prints string representation

Polymorphism in Python:

 • Polymorphism is derived from Greek words:

     Poly :many  

    morphism forms 

• Same method is defined on object of different types.

Two child class Bike and Car are inherited from parent class Vehicle

class Vehicle:

    def __init__(self,model):

        self.model = model


    def info(self):

        return f'A vehicle info.'


    def max_speed(self):

        return 140



class Bike(Vehicle):

    def max_speed(self):

        return 130


class Car(Vehicle):

    def max_speed(self):

        return 120


• From above example, while trying to access the same method info() and from objects of different classes we will get the 

following result: 

• Info() method will return the same result as we initialized 

• method will return the value returned from object specific class.

    bike =Bike( 'Honda' ) 
    bike _ info = bike. info( )
     print(bike_ info,bike_max_speed
    car = Car( 'Suzuki') 
    car _ info = car. info( )
    A vehicle A vehicle info.130
    A vehicle A vehicle info.120
    • In Python there are few functions which works fine for multiple data types.
     • len() function is one among such functions. 
    • It will call _len_() method of built-in str class when we pass string object 
    • It will call _len_() method of built- in dict class when we pass dictionary object 
    • and so on... (we will see in next example) 
    my_str= 'Python is Awesome.'
    my _ dict = {"name": "Jane", " age" :23}
     my _ tuple =('a','e','i','o','u')
    print(len( my _ list)
    Method overloading and Method Overriding

    Method Overloading: 
    • More than one method shares the same name in the class but having different signature.
     • Unlike other programming language like c++, and Java, Python doesn't support for method overloading by default. 
    • The latest defined method will replace the previously defined methods and its behavior will also change. (forgets the previous method definition) 
    • We need to do extra work to get the taste of method overloading in Python.
    • Also known as the compile time polymorphism. 
    • It may or may not need inheritance. 
    • Relationship is between the methods of same class.
     • Doesn't require more than one class for overloading.
    class Shape:
        def area(self, l, b=None):
            if b is not None:
                return l*b
            return l*l 

    Method Overriding: 
    • Method which is in super class is re-defined in sub class with the same signature 
    • Relationship is between methods of super class and sub class. 
    • At least one level of inheritance is required. 
    • Also known as run time polymorphism. 
    • An overriding method in a derived class (of the same name) can: 
        • extend base class method. 
        • or replace the base class method.
    • Let's walk through a very basic example where the overriden method will replace the super class's method of the same name:
    class A:
        def info(self):
            return 'info method from class A'
        def name(self):
            return 'name method from class A'
    class B(A):
        def name(self):
            return 'name method from class B'
    info method from class A
    name method from class B


    Descriptor protocol
    descr.__get__(self,obj,type=None) -> value
    descr.__set__(self,obj,value) -> None
    descr.__delete__(self,obj) -> None

    • Define any of these methods and an object is considered a descriptor and can override default behavior upon being looked up as an attribute. 
    • If an object defines __set__() or __delete__(), it is considered a data descriptor 
    • Descriptors that only define __get__() are called non-data descriptors
    • descr.__get__(self, obj, type=None) : This attribute is called when you want to retrieve the information (value = obj.attr), and whatever it returns is what will be given to the code that requested the attribute's value.
     • descr. set (self, obj, value) : This method is called to set the values of an attribute (obj.attr = 'value'), and it will not return anything to you.
     •descr.__delete__(self, obj) : This method is called when the attribute is deleted from an object (del obj.attr)
    What are descriptors? 
    • Descriptors are Python objects that implement a method of the descriptor protocol 
    • Descriptors give you the ability to create objects that have special behavior when they're accessed as attributes of other objects.
     • Quoting python's official doc, a descriptor is an object attribute with "binding behavior", one whose attribute access has been overridden by methods in the descriptor protocol. 
    • Binding behavior with respect to descriptors means that binding the way value can be set, queried (get), or deleted for a given variable or object or a data set. 
    • Syntax: 
    property(fget=None,fset=None, fdeI=None, doc=None) -> object 
    • property() returns a property object that implements the descriptor protocol 
    • It uses the parameters fget, fset and fdel for the actual implementation of the three methods of the descriptor protocol. 

    Class methods 
    • A class method is a method that is bound to a class rather than its object, it is shared among all objects. 
    • The @classmethod decorator, is a builtin function decorator that is an expression that gets evaluated after your function is defined. 
    • A class method receives the class as implicit first argument 
    • It can modify a class state that would apply across all the instances of the class. For example it can modify a class variable that will be applicable to all the instances.

    When do you use class method? 
    • We use class method to create factory methods 
    • Factory methods are those methods which return a class object (like constructor) for different use cases.

    Factory methods

    from datetime import date

    class Person:
        def __init__(self,name,age):

        def fromBirthYear(cls,name,year):
            return cls(name,  -year)

        def display(self):
            print(f'{} is {self.age} years old')

    • Here, we have two class instance creator, a constructor and a fromBirthYear method. 
    • Constructor takes normal parameters name and age. 
    • fromBirthYear takes class, name and year, calculates the current age by subtracting it with the current year and returns the class instance.

    Static methods 
    • Static methods, much like class methods, are methods that are bound to a class rather than its object. 
    • You can use the @staticmethod decorator to create a static method 
    • They do not require a class instance creation. So, they are not dependent on the state of the object and can't access or modify class state. 
    • This type of method takes neither a self nor a CIs parameter (but of course it's free to accept an arbitrary number of other parameters). 
    • Therefore a static method can neither modify object state nor class state.

    Class method vs Static Method 
    • A class method takes CIs as first parameter while a static method needs no specific parameters. 
    • A class method can access or modify class state while a static method can't access or modify it. 
    • In general, static methods know nothing about class state. They are utility type methods(re used able block of codes) that take some parameters and work upon those parameters. On the other hand class methods must have class as parameter

    Errors and Exceptions
    Python Exceptions 
    • An exception is an error that happens during execution of a program. 
    • When these exceptions occur, the Python interpreter stops the current process and passes it to the calling process until it is handled. If not handled, the program will crash. 
    • Python provides a way to handle the Exception so that the other part of the code can be executed without any disruption.

    syntax Error and Exception
    • The two distinguishable kinds of errors are: 
    Syntax Errors: • 
    Syntax Errors occur when the parser detects an incorrect syntax or statement. Exceptions: 
    • Exception Errors occur whenever a syntactically correct Python code results in an error. 
    • Some of the standard exceptions which are most seen include IndexError, ImportError, IOError, ZeroDivisionError, TypeError and so on

    Raising an Exception 
    • raise is used to throw an exception if a condition occurs. • The statement can be complemented with a custom exception

     • The simple way to consider of an assertion is as a raise-if statement. 
    • Assertions are carried out by the assert statement. 
    • Python's assert statement is a debugging aid that tests a condition. 
    • We assert that a certain condition is met. 
    • If the condition turns out to be False, the program throws an AssertionError exception.
    Handling Exceptions 
    • Python uses try and except keywords to catch and handle exceptions. 
    • The critical operation which can raise an exception is placed inside the try clause.
     • The code that handles the exceptions is written in the except clause.

    How try and expect works?
    1. First, the try clause is executed. 
    2. If no exception occurs, the except clause is skipped and execution of the try statement is finished. 
    3. If an exception occurs during execution of the try clause, the rest of the clause is skipped.

    else Clause 
    • A try statement may have more than one except clause, to specify handlers for different exceptions. 
    • In the absence of exceptions, the else statement is used to instruct a program to execute a certain block of code.

    try-finally Clause 
    • The finally clause implements some sort of action to clean up after executing our code. 
    • If a finally clause is present, it will execute as the last task before the try statement completes. 
    • finally enables us to execute sections of code that should always run, with or without any previously encountered exceptions.

    Understanding try....except....else....finally block

    File I/O Handling
    Files in Python 
    • While working in a software application project, in most cases we create, read and write files to store information. 
    • Two common types of file in Python are Text File and Binary File.

    Python File Handling Operations
     • If we want to manipulate a file, we need to first open it. 
    • A basic steps for python file handling operations are 
    1. Open a file 
    2. Read or write 
    3. Close the file 
    • Python has an in-built functions to open, read, write and close a file.

    Opening a File in Python 
    • Python has a built-in open() function to open a file. 
    • open() has a single required argument that is the path to the file. open() has a single return, the file object. 
    • mode is an optional string that specifies in which mode the file is opened. The default mode is 'r' which means open to read in text mode.

    file_object = open(file_name,mode)

    >>> file = open('new.txt)

    Closing a File in Python 
    • close() function to close it. 
    • We should always make sure that an open file is properly closed.
    • If not closed properly, it may lead to the unwanted activities such as resource leaks. 
    • Some ways that can ensure that a file is closed properly are: 
        1. Using try-finally block: As, we learned in the exception handling, finally wde         block always runs in the program. 
        2. Using with statement: It makes code cleaner and handles the unexpected            errors easily. The with statement automatically takes care of closing the file.
    Opening file modes
     • We can define an argument to represent how we want to open the file. The available modes are:

    Binary and Text Mode 
    • Python distinguishes between binary and text I/0. 
    • In text mode, we get strings when reading from the file. 
    • While, binary mode returns bytes objects without any encoding. 
    • Binary mode is used to deal with non-text files like images or executable files.

    Reading Files in Python 
    • We can use the read(size) method to read with a defined number of data. 
    • If no argument or None or —1 is passed in the size parameter, the whole file is read. 
    • There are multiple methods that can be called on a file object for reading.

    Writing Files in Python • Some of the methods that are useful for writing to a file are:
    • Let's write a file named 'new.txt' using the write() method.

    Other Python File Methods
    • There are other several methods available with the file object.
     • We can simply play around with these methods to know how it works.

    CSV Handling
    CSV Files
     • A CSV file consists of rows of text. 
    • Each row consisting of values separated by a delimiter character, typically a comma (,) or a tab. 
    • One of the most popular file formats for exchanging data is the CSV format. Therefore, learning how to handle csv files can be a blessing in future.

    CSV Handling 
    • Python provides a csv module which implements classes and functions to read and write tabular data in CSV format. 
    • The csv module's reader and writer objects read and write sequences. 
    • We need to first import csv module to use methods. import csv 
    • Some useful functions provided by csv module to read and write data are:     csv.reader() and csv.writer()

    CSV module built in functions • In python CSV module documentation we can find following functions:
     • The complete syntax of the csv.reader() function is: 
    csv.reader(csvfile, dialect= ' excel',**optional _ parameters) 
    • It returns a reader object which will iterate over lines in the given csvfile. 
    csvfile can be a file object or list objects which supports the iterator rule.
     • If csvfile is a file object, it should be opened with newline=". 
        with open( ' info.csv, newline=' ') as csvfile: 
    • An optional dialect is a set of parameters used to define the format of a CSV file. import csv 
    [ 'excel', 'excel-tab','unix'] 

    Reading CSV files 
    • We can use the csv.reader() function to read a CSV file in Python. 
    • Suppose we have a csv file named 'info.csv' having user information. 
    • To read a csv file, let's use csv.reader() function. Reading CSV Having Comma (,) Delimiter 
    • The csv.reader() returns an iterable reader object. 
    • The reader object is then iterated using a for loop to print the contents of each line.

    Reading CSV files 
    Read CSV file Having Tab Delimiter
     • The only difference is adding the optional parameter delimiter = '\t'

    • The complete syntax of the csv.writer() function is:
     csv.writer(csvfile, dialect='excel ' , **optional _ parameters) 
    • It return a writer object to convert the user's data into delimited strings on the given file-like object. 
    • csvfile can be any object with a write() method. 
    • If csvfile is a file object, it should be opened with newline=". 
    • An optional dialect is a set of parameters used to define the format of a CSV file.

    Writing CSV files 
    • We can use the csv.writer() function to write a CSV file in Python. 
    • The csv.writer() function returns a writer object that converts the user's data into a delimited string.
     • This string can later be used to write into CSV files using the writerow() function.

    import csv 
    with open( •new.csv' , 'w' , newline=' ' ) as file:
          writer.writerow([ 'Name', 'Email' , 'Address' ])
          writer.writerow([ ' Admin', '', 'Kathmandu ']) 
          writer.writerow(['User', '', 'Lalitpur' ])


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