Introduction of computer

 After completing this chapter we will learn about:

  • Computer
  • working process of computer
  • Characteristic of a computer
  • limitation of computer
  • Application areas of computer
  • Social Impacts of computer


Computer that we are using today is outcome and contribution of many scientist and engineers.
Computer is derived from the Latin word 'computare' which means to calculate.
computer has changed world around us.
A computer is advanced electronic device that can perform a variety of task at very high speed.
A computer takes raw data as input from the user, processes that data according to the instruction and produces useful information quickly and accurately.
computer is an electronic device that takes input data from user processes that data and gives out meaningful results.

Computer are now becoming faster, more reliable and effective than they had been ever before.
Computer cannot do anything without a program.
The set of instruction given to a computer is known as program. 
Besides producing information the computer can be used for performing different task like creating documents, presentation, database, spreadsheets, composing music, monitoring the condition of patients, sending message etc. A computer has affected almost every sphere of human activity.

Every computer perform works in 3 fundaments steps. They are Input-Process-Output or IPO 

Input is the required data and instruction given to computer. Input are given to computer with the help of Input devices. Key board and Mouse are the most common example of Input device.

The Process is the action performed on the input data and instruction by a computer? The change raw data nd instruction into meaningful information are called processing. The processing is done on central Processing unit(CPU)

Output is result given by a computer after processing the raw data. The computer shows the final results on output devices such as monitor or the printer.

Storage is a place to store something. Computer can store large amount of data. The input that you give to a computer is stored in storage device. The output is also stored in computer computer. We can store process data temporary or permanently using storage device like Compact Disk, Digital versatile Disk , pend rive etc. 

Characteristics of computer

Computer is popular because of its following characteristics:


Computer give correct result if correct instruction is provided to it. this means computer is very accurate. But if we provide wrong instruction or data we get wrong output. This is mistake done by users not computer. Then  term that describe this process is called garbage in garbage out(GIGO)


A computer take in data and information and convert them into output at very high speed. It can perform very complex task in very short time. Computer can perform millions of instructions in one second. A computer can perform work in few second that human being can do in a entire year. The speed of computer is measured in millisecond , microsecond, nanosecond or picoseconds. The speed of computer is usually measured in terms of following time units.

Measuring unit in time


Millisecond (1/1000 of a second)

One thousandth of second

Microsecond(1/1000000 of a second)

One millionth of a second

Nanosecond(1 x 10^-9)

On billionth of second

Picosecond(1 x 12^-12)

On trillionth of second


computer can store large amount of data. Place where data stored in computer is called storage. Data stored in computer can be retrieved at any time at very high speed. Basic unit of computer memory is bytes. The storage capacity of a computer is measured in terms of nibble, byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte or higher unit of byte.



1 or 0

1 bit

1 Nibble

4 bits

1 Byte / 1 character

8 bits

1 Kilobyte(1KB)

1024 Bytes

1 Megabyte (1 MB)

1024 KB

1 GigaByte(1 GB)

1024 MB

1 TeraByte(1 TB)

1024 GB

1 Penta Byte(1 PB)

1024 TB

1 Exa Byte(1 EX)

1024 PB


versatile means doing more than one type work. The features of a computer that can do more than one wok having different characteristics is called versatility. Computer is flexible machine and its use to do many task. You can use computer for calculation, logical operations, entertainment, designing etc. computer is used for wide range of application like education, health, science and technology, business, research , communication and many other field. This we can say that computer is versatile machine since a wide range of operations can be done and its application area is not limited


Diligence is capacity of doing work/task continuously without loosing speed and accuracy without tiredness , concentration weakness etc. A computer can perform repetitive task with out loosing speed and accuracy. A computer is free from tiredness, lack of concentration,  weakness etc. It can work continuously for a long time with out creating any error,
As computer can work continuously without any break so its called diligent machine.


A computer can function automatically once the process has been started. A computer can be instructed using a program. Once the instruction are prepared and given to computer , it can perform the task automatically as instructed by a program without help of user.

Limitation of computer

Along with a wide range of application of computer, it has some limitation as well . Limitation of computer are as follows:
  • Computer doesn't have its own brain to think and decide themselves
  • A computer doesn't have its own intelligence
  • A computer does not work on itself, it requires a set of instruction to be provided 
  • A computer doesn't have self learning capability
  • Computer cannot learn from experience like human
  • Computer have no feelings and emotions
  • A computer cannot care itself like human
  • A computer is unable to correct wrong instruction
  • A computer need electric power to operate

Some Application Areas of computer

A computer has a great impact on every aspect of our society. This is the compute age so this machine is influencing our lives in many ways. Now a days computer are used almost in every sphere of human life. Thera are so many application of computer so that it is almost impractical to describe all of them here. Application Areas of computer simple means the field or place where computer are used.

Computer in Education

Education is process of getting knowledge. Now a days we get education with the help of computer and Internet technology. Computer technology can be used for visual illustration like smart class room and distance learning education system. Today school and colleges use computer and different multimedia to teach students. Teaching and learning has become much more easier and interesting than before. Computer are used by teachers to prepare lesson plans, report cards and for teaching different topics related to various subjects through charts, animated clips, diagrams and videos. Student can also search information in different subject by referring relevant website. There are many education software and multimedia CD available which teach students in very interesting manner.

Computer in Health and Medical

Computer are extensively used in health and medical sector. Computer is used in scanning and diagnosing of various diseases through CT scan (Computed Tomography scan), ultrasounds, ECG (Electro Cardio Graph) etc. It is also used in hospitals to keep records of patients and medicines. Nowadays, computer is used in surgery too. Doctors use computer and Internet services to provide telemedicine services to remote areas of our country, Nepal.
Computer are used to observe the patient's heart rate, pulse rate, oxygen level , brain readings etc. Computer helps to perform different laboratory test such as CT-scan, Ultra sound, ECG, X-ray etc. Doctor also use special computer to do operations of the patients and can be trained by watching virtual surgery. Many innovation medical application use small special purpose computer.
Apart from this computer are used for monitoring the patient condition, keeping the necessary record of patients, medicine and diseases.

Computer in Entertainment

A computer is used to entertain people. It is used to play games, listen to music, watch videos, movies and cartoon etc. It is used to watch online movies and play online games.
We can also create good animated games, audio , video and stream and entertain other with computer.
Computer technology helps to keep interactive and exciting sound, graphic and animation tin the games to provide entertainment to player.

Computer in Scientific research 

A computer is used in all types of scientific research. Scientists collect the latest information by using internet all over the world. It is used in weather forecasting, space research, complex research in various scientific fields etc. 

Computer in Engineering

Engineering is one of the most important application of computer. Engineers use computer to design the structure or model of machines, bridges, building ,vehicles, etc. . The design made with computer is more accurate and flexible than the design drawn on paper. The design of complex structure such as airplanes, satellite etc are almost difficult with out commuter. Engineer uses computer to design application such as Computer Aided Designing(CAD), Computer Aided Engineering(CAE) and computer Aided Manufacturing(CAM).

Computer in Business

Computer is an effective tool in the growth of business sector. Modern business cannot survive without computer. Use of computer technology in business provides many facilities. Business man are using computer to interact with their customers and employees anywhere in the world. Many business task such as maintaining employee recorded, preparing salary, training, presentation, budgeting etc are performed more quickly and efficiently using computer. Computer helps to collect ,manage, calculate and visualize customer data and information. Accounting is another special features of business. We can also forecast the sell looking at the previous data with the help of computer AI and power BI. A computer is also use in business to prepare effective and interesting, website brochures, video manual of business promotions and new products.

Computer in Banking

A computer has brought revolution in the banking sector. The different services like accounting, customer records to update, bank statement etc. are performed by using computer in banking sector. ATM (Automated Teller Machine) allows 24 hours banking services to their customers so that they can withdraw money at any time. Online banking, mobile banking ,online enquire of customer's balance, printing account statements, updating balance all requires computer. All the calculation in bank are actually done with the help of computer software. All the employee ,staff ,shareholders and clients recorded are stored very safely in computer.

Social Impacts of computer

 Computer development is one of the greatest scientific achievements of the 20th century. Computer technology has made various impact in almost every field now a days. The gross development of the nation is faster with the application of computer in industries, health and education. The impact of computer is more on positive side than on negative side. Computer have both positive and negative impact in our daily life as well as in our social life.

Positive Impact of computer

Positive Impact of computer in society are listed below:
  • create new and interesting field of employment
  • helps to do work in very less time
  • multitasking and multiprocessing capabilities
  • computer technology has made the world into global village
  • it provides faster and easy communication, email, online shopping
  • we get greater access to resources and information for free

Negative Impacts of computer

Negative Impacts of computer in society are listed below:
  • reduce the need of people ultimately unemployment will increase
  • computer technology is highly expensive technology
  • Computer crime and negative activities such as hacking , cracking , stealing data etc.
  • personal data may be leaked or hacked and privacy can't be maintained
  • required frequent updates
  • people do not use their mind for common calculation
  • damage of eye sight and children spend their most of the time in playing games on computer


  1. i read it all nice it had some typos so please fix it


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