Contemporary Technology


These days technology has become a part of our life. We can’t imagine a life without Internet and Smartphones in urban areas and even in rural environments. Most of the services like Email, Social Network, E-Commerce, Chats, on-demand videos, live streaming etc. are becoming omnipresent and helping human beings to get connected with each other and get their work done efficiently and effectively. Behind all these services, there are many integrated technologies working together like Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, IoT, etc. 

Contemporary Technology is a technology which is very popular now a day.
simply it is the advancement of the old technology with the new addition and modification.

Advantage and disadvantage of Contemporary Technology


  • makes work more convenient
  • reliable communication
  • access information easy
  • lifestyle will better
  • easy to run and grow business
  • work efficiency increases
  • Save time etc.


  • increase cyber crime
  • environmental pollution (air , water , land )
  • decrease employment due to excess use of robot and machines
  • It help to create harmful weapons and machinery
  • it affect the social life by keeping people attached to the tech gadgets

 Cloud Computing

Due to increased number of users, and increased complexity of software systems, demand for hardware resources like processors, memory, storage, network, database, software and other services has also been increased. In order to address this demand, companies like Amazon, Microsoft, Google, etc. are providing very large server farms and data centers over the Internet to multiple customers, who pay only for the resources they use. Because organizations using public clouds do not own the infrastructure, they don’t have to make large investment in their own hardware and software. Public clouds are ideal for small and medium-sized businesses who can’t afford to fully develop their own infrastructure; for applications requiring high performance, scalability, and availability. Such model of computing in which processing, storage, software and other services are provided as a shared pool of virtualized resources is called cloud computing.

Companies offering these computing services are called cloud providers and typically charge for cloud computing services based on usage, similar to how we paid the bill for water, electricity, telephone at home. Some of the cloud providers are Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, IBM Cloud, VMware Cloud, Oracle Cloud and Alibaba Cloud.You are probably using cloud computing right now, even if you don’t realise it. If you use an online service to send an email, edit documents, watch movies or TV, listen to music, play games or store pictures and other files, it is likely that cloud computing is making it all possible behind the scenes.

Here are a few of the things you can do with the cloud

Create new apps and services,

Store, back up and recover data,

Host websites and blogs,

Stream audio and video,

Deliver software on demand.

Examples of Services over Cloud

Microsoft Office 365: Internet versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote accessed via your Web browser without installing anything.

Google Drive: This is a pure cloud computing service, with all the storage found online. So it can work with the cloud appslike: Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Slides. Google Drive is also available on more than just desktop computers; you can use it on tablets like the iPad or on smartphones, and there are separate apps for Docs and Sheets, as well. In fact, most of Google's services could be considered cloud computing; Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Maps, and so on.

Apple iCloud: Apple's cloud service is primarily used for online storage, backup, and synchronization of your mail, contacts, calendar, and more.

There are three basic types of cloud computing services

1. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): In this type of cloud service, customer can use processing, storage, networking, and other computing resources from cloud service providers to run their software system. Customers are billed according to the usages of computing power and storage. 

2. Software as a Service (SaaS): Customer subscribes the software services from a vendor for an annual subscription fee or sometimes free and use it over Internet. Services like Gmail, Google Drive, - very popular Customer Relationship Management Software (CRM), Office 365 are some of the examples of SaaS.

3. Platform as a Service (PaaS): Customer use infrastructure and programming tools and environment supported by the vendors to develop their own applications. IBM provides Bluemix for software development and testing on its cloud. 

Features of cloud computing

  •  Easy to monitor and manage computing resource i.e. no human administrator required
  • The cloud service are very fast as the cloud providers will be have high bandwidth 
  • Economical(cheaper) as charge are based on service

Advantage of cloud computing

  • cloud computing is cost efficient as it offers enormous storage space, save money resources
  • cloud computing have vary high speed
  • working in cloud computing is easy and very flexible
  • we can access many things easily
  • we can back up and recovery data very easily
Disadvantage of cloud computing
  • we will have limited access or limited control
  • there may be technical issue
  • cloud computing service may get temporary down
  • some cloud computing service may have lower bandwidth

 Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI was first coined by American computer scientist in 1965.

In the past, a piece of software is written to do a well-defined task. If the same software has to do another similar task then it has to be re-written. Nowadays, due to advanced mathematical algorithms and high computations power of hardware, software can be designed to learn and adapt the results based on the data fed into it. This means, such software can work similar to human intelligence, such software can identify objects, animals, places, detect face, and talk like humans do. They can also suggest and recommend like human experts in respective field. Artificial Intelligence is the study and research of developing such software that can learn and, work like human brain. In other words, Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to systems or machines that mimic human intelligence to perform tasks and can iteratively improve themselves based on the information they collect.AI technology is improving performance and productivity by automating processes or tasks that once required human intelligence. Some of the examples of AI are speech recognition (like Siri, Microsoft Cortana, Amazon Echo, Google Home etc.), spam email filter, self-driving cars, face recognition etc.

Features of AI 

  • it eliminate dull and boring task
  • AI can deal with huge amount of data
  • it can copy human mind
  • AI system are designed to observe and react to their surrounding
  • AI system are able to recognize face ,voice, object and colors
Application of AI
  • AI in education: AI automates grading so it will be easy for educators. AI also helps students adapt to their needs and help them in their own pace
  • AI in astronomy: AI is helpful in understanding the universe such as how it works , origin etc.
  • AI in health: AI can automate health check up service and assist both doctor and patients.
  • AI in social media: AI is used to manage the billions of user profile. AI can analyze lots of data to identify the latest trends, hashtag and requirements of different users.
  • AI in travel and transport: AI can suggest the best hotels , flights and the best routes for the customers. Also tours and travels industry are powered chat bots which can make human like interaction with customers from better and fast response

Virtual Reality (VR)

In virtual reality, you experience a simulated environment that doesn’t actually exist, created through computer-based technologies that can give you a feel of near real world with all or some of your senses experiencing the virtually simulated environment. You can also interact with virtual objects within the virtual environment. You can swim with whales in oceans, fight with aliens, fly aero planes, visit distance places without being there and much more within the VR. These days, you can find various types of head-mounted display to experience virtual reality. You can also experience virtual reality in specialized cinema halls as well. 

Application of VR

  • VR in education : VR is used to enhance the students learning and engagements because of which students can learn more thing in very less time
  • VR in medical sector: VR is used to train doctor , surgeon, VR can also be used to train next generation of doctors, and other medical person. VR can can also provide therapy to the people sufferings from monotal illness.


E-Governance is a set of services provided by the government to public via electronic media especially using Internet. Examples of such services include paying their taxes online, requesting various services from government though governmental websites, providing information to public via government’s websites. The basic purpose of e-governance is to simplify processes for all, i.e. government, citizens businesses, etc. at National, State and local levels. E-governance expands to electronic governance, is the integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in all the processes, with the aim of enhancing government ability to address the needs of the general public.

Benefits of E-governance

Increased convenience for public and businesses to services of government

Reduction in overall cost of transaction as services can be rendered anywhere

Corruption will be reduced as there will be direct interaction with the system and public without any intermediaries

High transparency

Direct participation of constituents

Expanded reach of government to all public irrespective of remoteness

Disadvantage of E-governance

  • there may be lack of equality because of internet access
  • Initial setup cost high
  • Private data of citizen stored in government server may be stolen
Types/Models of Government 
  1. G2C(Government to citizen)
  2. G2B(Government to Business)
  3. G2E(Government to Employee)
  4. G2G(Government to Government)
G2C(Government to Citizen) refers to use of technology for providing the facility from government to citizen. In another word it is a term that refers to the relationship between organization(subject) of public administration and a citizens

G2B refers to use of technology for providing the facility from government to is relation between organization of public administrations and enterprises. It include various service exchanged between government and the business sector including distribution of policies, memo, rules and regulations 

G2E refers to use of technology for providing the facility from government to refer to the relationship between government and its employee only. propose of this relationship is to serve employee and offer some online service such as applying of online leave, checking the balance for leave, reviewing salary payment records. It also provide e-learning , bring employee together and encourage knowledge sharing among them

G2G refers to use of technology for sharing different development activities between 2 government organization. it refer the online communication between government organization, department and agencies based on a super government database. Vital aim of G2G development is to enhance and improve inter-government organizational process by streamlining cooperation and coordination. Government depend on other levels of government within the state to effectively deliver service and allocate responsibilities.

Through e-governance, the government plans to raise the coverage and quality of information and services provided to the general public, by the use of ICT in an easy, economical and effective manner.

E-Governance of Nepal

  • Nepal stands lower rank in global scenario of ICT
  • Telecommunications facilities have improved remarkably
  • academic institution/universities producing IT professionals / human resource have expanded
  •  User of internet , email and computer re gaining popularity
  •  several government application are being introduce
  •  recent e-government initiative is Nepal's e-Government master plan, completed in November 2006
  • another milestone is the preparations of an ICT development project which has workout detailed investment proposals for prioritized projects
  • negotiation are underway between the government of Nepal and ADB for its financing and implementation
  • Government of Nepal is promoting e-government of implementation of various G2G,G2C and G2B projects define under respective priority areas
  • Road to e-government is not easy and straight, there are several hurdles, problems and challenges which must be overcome for successful accomplishments of Nepal's e government vision

 Mobile Computing

Mobile devices like smartphones, tablets, e-readers, wearable devices that have computing power, battery-powered, portable, and wirelessly connected to network have changed the way, we used to access the computing resources in the past. Due to advancement in technologies, such mobile devices have integrated various features like cameras, biometrics, sensors etc. Mobile computing is a generic term that refers to a variety of devices that allow people to access data and information from wherever they are. Sometimes referred to as "human-computer interaction," mobile computing transports data, voice, and video over a network via a mobile device.

Components of Mobile Computing

i. Mobile Hardware: 

Mobile hardware are generally small in size and highly portable with the ability to process data and give output based on inputs given by keypad, touch, voices or sensors. These devices are equipped with sensors, full-duplex data transmission and have the ability to operate on wireless networks such as IR, Wi-Fi, Cellular and Bluetooth.

ii. Mobile Software: 

Mobile Software is the software program which is developed specifically to be run on mobile hardware. This is usually the operating system in mobile devices. These operating systems provide features such as touchscreen, cellular connectivity, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPS mobile navigation, camera, video camera, speech recognition, voice recorder, music player, near field communication and sensors. The device sensors and other hardware components can be accessed via the OS.

iii. Mobile Communication: 

Mobile Communication refers to the exchange of data and voice using existing wireless networks. The data being transferred are the applications including File Transfer (FT), the interconnection between Wide-Area-Networks (WAN), facsimile (fax), electronic mail, access to the Internet and the World Wide Web. The wireless networks utilized in communication are IR, Bluetooth, W-LANs, Cellular, W-Packet Data networks and satellite communication system. It is the mobile communication infrastructure which takes care of seamless and reliable communication between mobile devices.

Principles of Mobile Computing

The following factors have been identified as the Principles of Mobile Computing

i. Portability: Devices/nodes connected within the mobile computing system should facilitate mobility. These devices may have limited device capabilities and limited power supply but should have a sufficient processing capability and physical portability to operate in a movable environment.

ii. Connectivity: This defines the quality of service of the network connectivity. In a mobile computing system, the network availability is expected to be maintained at a high level with the minimal amount of lag downtime without being affected by the mobility of the connected nodes.

iii. Interactivity: 

The nodes belonging to a mobile computing system are connected with one another to communicate and collaborate through active transactions of data.

iv. Individuality: A portable device or a mobile node connected to a mobile network often denotes an individual; a mobile computing system should be able to adopt the technology to cater the individual needs and also to obtain contextual information of each node

Advantage of Mobile computing

some advantage of mobile computing are

  1. higher efficiency and productivity of staff
  2. the quality and flexibility of service you offer you customers
  3. ability to accept payments wirelessly
  4. Increased ability to communicate in and out of the workplace
  5. greater access to modern apps and services
  6. Improved networking capabilities 

 Internet of Things (IoT)

Few years earlier only computers and servers were able to communicate with each other by sharing data and information. Due to advancement in technology, computer-like device can be integrated with any electronic devices enabling these devices to share and communicate data to intended users and systems. Devices that can sense or read the values of their surrounding environment are more likely to have application for sharing/communicating information. Such devices when connected with server to communicate data from their surrounding are called Internet of Things (IoT). In a simple way, you have things (devices) that can collect data and are capable to send these data via Internet to Server or any intended users. For example, a car with a GPS sensor (thing) continuously transmits its location information to any user via Internet. A temperature sensor (thing) that is reading temperature of a particular location and transmitting that data via Internet to a Web Server so that anyone from the world can know the temperature of that location/place.

Over the past few years, IoT has become one of the most important technologies of the 21st century. Now that we can connect everyday objects—kitchen appliances, cars, thermostats, baby monitors—to the Internet via embedded devices, seamless communication is possible between people, processes, and things.

By means of low-cost computing, the cloud, big data, analytics, and mobile technologies, physical things can share and collect data with minimal human intervention. In this hyper connected world, digital systems can record, monitor, and adjust each interaction between connected things. The physical world meets the digital world—and they cooperate.
