Information Technology Policy in Nepal

 In this blog we will learn about following

  • IT policy its vision and objective
  • Strategies, Action Plan, Institutional and Legal Provision of IT policy
  • E government and its advantages and disadvantage
  • Difference models of e- government

World is emerging into a small cyber world and Nepalese government also took first step toward IT policy in year 2057BS. IT policy was introduced as a means to develop IT sector in Nepal. At the same time government have promised to build IT Park in banepa which is going on.

The main vision of IT Policy is "To place Nepal on the global map of Information technology with in the next five year"

Three main objectives are:
  • To make IT accessible to general public and increase employment through IT itself
  • To build knowledge based society
  • To build knowledge base industries
  • to promote ICT to further productivity

Major strategies which have been adopted to accomplish the above mentioned objective of rapid development and expansion of information technology in a fair and competitive environment are as follows:
  • The government shall act as a promotor , facilitator and regulator
  • More priority shall be given to research and development with participation of private sectors
  • Nepal shall be placed on the global map of Information technology
  • E-commerce shall be promoted with legal provision as well as e-governance should be implemented 
  • Computer education shall be included in academic curriculum starting from the school level
  • Export of service related to information technology (software and Hardware) shall be increased to 10 billion rupees with in next five years
  • domestic and foreign investment shall be encouraged for the development of information technology and related infrastructures

Main Policies
  • To declare IT sector a priority sector
  • To computerize the system in all government offices and build their web sites for the flow of the information
  • To establish a national Information technology center
  • To establish computer education in the curriculum starting from the school levels and broaden its scope
Action Plan
  • Participation of private sectors in infrastructure development
  • Infrastructure development arrangement shall be done
  • Human Resource development and skilled manpower development
  • Dissemination(spreading)  of Information technology and IT shall be used to improve the quality of education
  • Facilities to Information Technology Sectors
  • Necessary legal infrastructure shall be created for the promotion of telemedicine, distance learning, tele processing and ecommerce
Institutional Provision
  • Constitute the national IT development council under the chairmanship of the Honorable Prime Minister and the council will review and revise the information policies
  • Carry out different researches and develop information technology manpower with computer trainings and establish relation with foreign education institutes
  • The National Information Technology Center shall be set up under the ministry of science and technology 
  • Information Technology Park Development committee

Legal Provisions
Necessary laws shall be enacted (put into practice) to regulate transaction to be carried out through Information Technology

Effect of published IT Policy
  • Many people were trained by the Ministry of Information Technology and communication
  • IT professionals were encouraged to start better software and hardware development
  • Many students were encouraged to choose computer and communication as their major subject for study
  • Many multinational Industries are interested to establish IT industries in Nepal
Cause of failure of IT Policy
  • The most important failure cause if IT Policy 2000AD was the unstable government
  • The lack of high speed telecommunication and Internet facility
  • Lack of specialized and experienced IT professional(Only few exist)
  • Lack of proper resource
  • lack of financier
  • lack of limitation of highly education people in few numbers
