Google Slide


Google slide is online presentation making tools. It is very much easier to use if you know how to use MS PowerPoint. Before learning about Google slide lets learn about the advantage of google slide

Advantage of google slide

  • Free any very easy to use
  • Allows real time collaboration which is awesome we fell that all our teams are using same computer and working on same PC for our fabulous presentations
  • Automatically save so it doesn't matter if we forget to save
  • we can easily embed YouTube videos ,images google maps etc.
  • we can make or review our presentation from any internet working device
  • Only of viewing or reading it may be also available for offline
  • sharing presentation is very very easy
  • You presentation is always accessible as google server are hardly down

To use google slide you can got to google drive or you can simple visit

click on New button

Click on Google slide

you can either click blank presentation oar form a template

if you need more template you can click on template gallery

there are many option group in various categories

When you create a presentation Its good to start from blank and show your creativity but its really time consuming.

It is always helpful to use existing template as it will save you lots of time and it is good looking with out much more makeup.

But for learning purpose its always good to start from blank presentation as we learn many mechanism. 

Add file or title

for name you file or title of presentation you can simply edit untitled presentation which is present above the tabs 

Aspect Ratio

on very top like ms PowerPoint we can see lot of tab and tools

You can choose you aspect ratio 

aspect ratio decide size of page or slide

Its recommended for you to use aspect ratio as wide screen 16:9 if you are working on desktop or monitor

to choose aspect ratio you can go to file ===> Page setup

 to write the presentation name

Design and edit slide

We have cool text box tool with the help of which we can customize our layout and write whereever we want in the slide

Designing and editing is similar to power point.

There are many option like font family, font size. Bold, Italics ,Underline, text color, Indent format option etc. we can also change background, layout and theme and transition.

To make new slide simply click on + icon below file or use short cut Ctrl + M or right click on slide area and click on new slide

You can use Insert like tool to hyperlink text

Inserting Image

we can insert image from multiple source.

Just click on insert image and you will find you way

we can resize , rotate, move image similarly like in MS PowerPoint

to crop image double click and crop

Masking image is also fun and attractive we can make image of different shape

Undo change is simple just use shortcut ctrl + Z or click on undo icon similarly for redo(Ctrl+Y)

we can insert audio which is uploaded in our google drive similarly we can insert videos

We can even insert chart and modify the charts data

Transition and Animation is also pretty easy

just select the slide and put transition

just select any object and put animation

I will show how to put animation and transition practically

You can use share bottom on top right to share the slide with other people
