First intall xampp and vs code for php envirnoment
Installing xampp and php is most easy configuration
After installing xampp you can start
Aapche and mysql service
you get xampp folder inside your c drive after you installation
inside xampp folder open htdocs folder
every floder inside htdocs represents one web project its that simple
PHP is very interesting because we actually write the php code between the html code
<?php code goes here ?>
so like html php has opening and closing as in above in
echo is first thing you need to learn while hearing php
echo means to show or print
so it display the value
after echo we must include number or string
for string double quotation is required
We can also print variable
you all know what variable is?
Yes Definitely variable is the value in the memory which keeps on changing
variable is define in php by using $ sign in front
numeric variable
$variable++ post increment
++$variable pre increment
$variable-- post decrement
--$variable pre decrement
Logical operator
Logical operator in PHP are
xor = if any one true or other is false than its xor of 2 number is true
var_dump( ) is a function which is used to display data type
This function displays structured information about one or more expressions that includes its type and value.
Data types in php
- String
- Integer
- Float
- Boolean
- Array
- object
- count()==> shows no of data in array
Constant are the value which cannot be changed
constant are usually define at that the top of program
for example
Comparison operator
It returns Boolean value i.e. either true or false like boolean
so with the result of comparison and relational operator we can so different conditional statements
if .... else statement
if (condition)
echo "something"
echo "other thing"
if ... else if ..... else
loops in php
1) while (condition){}
2) do {
} while(condition)
3) for ($a=initial;$a< ; counter($a++,$a--))
4) for each loop
foreach(arrayname as $value){
echo "<br> the value for for each loop is <br>"
echo $value
function is the set of code that do certain task
We can define our own function which is called user define function
And there are also many build in function in php
strlen( )= gives the length of string
str_word_count( ) = count the number of words
strrev( ) = This reverse the string
str_replace("string need to be replace", "desire string", $str)
connecting database
after install xampp just turn on apache and mysql server
then goto http://localhost/phpmyadmin/
create a new data base
then to configure data base
make a project/folder inside htdocs folder inside xampp
inside project folder make config.php file and
write the following code
What is PHP session?
PHP session is used to manage information across different pages
as we enter detail in website we get good user experience from that detail in our php application
we start session with the help of session_start() function which is the build in function of php
we start session when we verify the login information
if the user name and password is match we actually start session
but if the user name and password is not match we don't start session instead we send user the enter right credentials
After session start we can actuuly verify session variable
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