Hyper Text Markup Language

 In this chapter we will learn about:

  • HTML and its basic structure
  • some important term of web
  • Developing web page using HTML tags ad their attributes
  • creating link and inserting table in web pages

Some important term in web

WWW: World Wide web short form. WWW is a huge collection of web page.

Web page : Any page or document on internet.

Home Page: First page of any site / website is called home page.

Website: Website is collection of web page.

Web Server is a computer that host different information of web page.

HTTP(Hyper text transfer Protocol): It is the set rules for controlling the action between web browser and server.

Web browser is application software which helps to browse internet. eg google chrome, IE, safari, Mozilla Firefox.

Text Editor: It is a software which is used to edit text. Every piece of code is generally written in text editor. eg Notepad. Notepad ++, sublime, VS code ,Visual studio, bracket etc.

URL(Uniform resource Locator) is name or address o any website

TCP/IP is the rules for transferring file between users and webserver

DNS stands for Domain Name system. It is system used to converting URL into IP address. DNS automatically converts the website name into IP address of we server.

HTML Tags: are the code or commands that give different layout , appearance and flow in web page. tag has both opening and closing tag and is known as container tag.
types of tag
Paired tag
unpaired tag

Paired tag is container elements which are paired and they have starting and ending tags.
The starting tag is written within angular bracket eg <HTML> and the end tag is has slash after opening angular bracket eg </html> eg html, head, body, p, b, i , u etc.

unpaired tag is also called empty element i.e.  they just contain starting tag or ON tag they don't have ending tag. eg hr,br, img etc.

Structure of HTML


HTML tag defines document as html files 
browser will interpret everything between  <HTML> and </HTML>

head tag/ element is pair tag and generally title , meta , css , js link are written inside head tag. 
head tag enables you to provide title for an html page

body element
includes the entire content of the document that is supposed to display in web browser.
inside <body> and </body> entire contents of HTML document is specified.
body tag has different attribute

though there are many attribute of many tag.
id and class are most widely used attribute now a days
Difference between id and class attribute: The only difference between them is that “id” is unique in a page and can only apply to at most one element, while “class” selector can apply to multiple elements. 

Lets learn function of attribute.
To learn about the function 




Used to set background image of page by specifying an image file


Used to set the color of background


Used to set the color of the text in document


used to set the left hand margin


Used to set top margin


Defines color of the unvisited links


Change color of active link, active link is link that is in process of being click


Defines color of the link after it has been visited
