Important question for SEE with simple answer

 This blog is made for quick revision of computer for grade 10 students with very simple answer that even a layman can understand

*Data communication 

Data communication is process of transferring data and information from one computer to another computer.

*Modes of data communication 

There are 3 modes of data communication they are explained below

Simplex: It is mode of data communication where data travel in only one direction. eg books, radio, television etc.
Half duplex: It is mode of data communication where data travel in both direction but once at a time. eg walkie talkie.
Full duplex: It is mode of data communication where data travel in both direction at same time (simultaneously ). eg Mobile phone communication.

*Computer Network

 Interconnection between two or more than two computer is known as computer network.

*advantage of computer network 

  • we can share data
  • we can share different hardware resources
  • we can play LAN , MAN game like Counter strike, mini militia etc.
  • we can share photos, software game etc.
  • It allow easy back up 
  • It is simple , easy and cheap

*disadvantage of computer network 

  • Along with data can software virus can also be transferred 
  • Data can be lost, hacked or stolen
  • If server is stopped or crashed than different data will be unavailable  

*Types of computer network 

LAN: It stands for Local Area Network. It is connection of few computer within small area generally room or with in building. This network is fast.

MAN: It stands for Metropolitan Area Network. It is connection of computer with in  wider geographical area than LAN generally with in city. It connect more number of computer than LAN and is generally slower than LAN.

WAN: It stands for Wide area network. It is connection of computers within more wider geographical area than LAN and MAN  generally within country or big state. It connect more number of computer than LAN and MAN. It is generally slower than LAN and MAN.

*Network topology 

Basic structure of interconnected computer in LAN is called Network topology. Shapes/Structure of computer connection is called network topology. The cabling structure or pattern of inter connected computers for sharing data and information is called network topology

*Bus topology 
bus topology is simple type of network topology where all the computer are connected through single communication line called bus or trunk.
Bus topology is simple network topology in which computer are connected through a single line(trunk) or wire in linear for.

Advantage of bus topology
i.              Easy to setup
ii.              It is cheap
iii.             Requires less wire
iv.             Failure of one computer does not affect network
Disadvantage of bus topology
i.               It is difficult to detect problem
ii.              It is less flexible
iii.             If trunk is damaged entire network stops working

    *Ring topology 

Ring topology is simple type of network topology where all the computer are connected in form of ring or circle format.

In ring topology computers are arranged in ring format. In this topology data travels only in one direction either in clockwise or anti clock wise directions.

Advantage of ring topology

i.                  It is easy to setup and maintain

ii.                It is cheap

iii.             All computers are equally important

Disadvantage of ring topology

i.                  Failure of one computer hampers the network

ii.                It is difficult troubleshoot problems

    *Star topology 

Start topology is type of computer network in which computers are connected through central device called hub or switch

In star topology computer are arranged in star shape.

Advantage of star topology

i.                  Easy to detect problems

ii.                Easy to add and remove devices

iii.             Failure of one computer does not affect network

iv.             Centralized control is possible


i.                  If hub or central is damage network is affected

ii.                Bit expensive to setup

*Network Protocol 

Network is set of rule that controls the computer network or Internet.


HTTP stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol which is protocol used to communicate with web browser (google chrome, Firefox etc.) with web server.


TCP/IP stands for transmission control protocol which is protocol used for transferring any things in internet or in computer network. 


SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol which is protocol used for sending mails.


POP stands for  Post Office Protocol which is protocol used for receiving mails.


Bandwidth is define as volume or amount of data transfer per unit time. Data transfer per unit time is called bandwidth. Its unit is bits/second. 


MODEM stands for modulator and de modulator. Modem actually translate analog signal into digital signal and vice versa. Modem is network connecting device that transfer data of one computer to another using transmission transmission media.


Telnet is a protocol  or very interesting process through which we can used remote computer(computer which is far from us)  using command line Interface.

*Transmission medium and its types 

Transmission medium is path or way from which data actually travels from transmitter to receiver. It is also known as communication medium. Types of transmission medium are as follows:
  1. Guided Transmission medium: Here data travel through wire. Aka wired communication medium. eg twisted pair, coaxial cable , optical fiber etc.
  2. Unguided Transmission medium:: Here data travel wirelessly. Aka wireless communication medium. eg Radio wave(wifi, radio), microwave communication (mobile communication), satellite communication etc.

*connector for twisted pair , coaxial cable and optical fiber

Connector for twisted pair is RJ45
connector for coaxial cable is BNC
connector for optical fiber is ST,SC,FC,SMA etc. 

*Explain about 3 network model or architecture of computer network 

Three network model or architecture of computer are as follows:
Centralized Network: In this model main computer is called host computer and is very powerful computer. Other computer are called work station which are less power and usually doesn't have processing capabilities and used for input and output operation. It run with powerful operating system like UNIX and LINUX.
Client Server Network: In this model main computer is called server and is very powerful computer. Other computer is called client which are less powerful. Client is aka workstation. Client consume services from server.
Peer to peer: In this model all the computer has equal responsibility. Each computer has access to at least some of the resources on all the computer. It is suitable only for small geographical area such as small room, building , school etc.

*Digital citizenship 

Responsible use of technology by any person or citizen who use computer, internet or any digital device is called digital citizenship.

*Elements of digital citizenship

Digital citizenship are composed of following elements:
  1. Digital access
  2. Digital Commerce
  3. Digital communication 
  4. digital collaboration
  5. Digital etiquette
  6. Digital fluency
  7. Digital law
  8. Digital right and responsibility
  9. Digital security 
  10. Digital privacy

* Advantage of digital citizenship

  • keeps you connect
  • you can express yourself
  • quick communication
  • brings people with similar interest together 

*Digital footprint 

Digital footprint is aka digital shadow. It is trace or data that we leave behind while we use digital device. It reflect our online activity.

*advantage of digital footprint 

  • Fraud and illegal activities can be easily detected
  • we get recommendation and advertisement that will put more value to use of internet
  • company or business can make more profit 
  • company can offer incentive based on interest and needs

*Disadvantage of digital footprint 

  • Personal information can be used to generate money
  • advertisement and suggestion can be annoying which are created with help of digital footprint

*Vision of IT policy 2072 

Vision of IT Policy is "To place Nepal on the global map of Information technology with in the next five year"

*Commandments of computer ethics

10 commandments of computer ethics are as follows:(write any 4 in exam)

  • do not use a computer to harm other people.
  • do not interfere with other people's computer work.
  • do not snoop around in other people's files.
  • do not use a computer to steal.
  • do not use a computer to bear false witness.
  • do not use or copy software for which you have not paid.
  • do not use other people's computer resources without authorization.
  • do not appropriate other people's intellectual output.
  • do think about the social consequences of the program you write.
  • do use a computer in ways that show consideration and respect.
  • *when was cyber law enacted in Nepal Cyber bullying Social media 

     30th Bhadra 2061 BS (15th September 2004AD).

    *Opportunities of social media 

    • social media is great place for brand development 
    • Social media is great place to target specific audience
    • Social media is grate place where customer can interact 
    • Social media is grate place for attracting customer

    *Threats of social media 

    • Our personal data an information can be cracked
    • There may be phishing attack and our confidential information may be hacked
    • Fake account problems
    • the unwanted message may also spread virus and malware 

    *Define Information Security? What are principal of Information security?

    Information security is a process of securing data, information and programs from being lost or damaged due to accidental or intentional harm. Information security protect information from unauthorized access to avoid identity theft and to protect privacy.
    Principal of Information Security(IS) are as follows:
    • Confidentiality
    • Integrity
    • Availability

    *What is Hardware security? Write few hardware security measures.

    Hardware security is the protection given to the various hardware tools and equipment used in computer system from the accidental and intentional harm.
    Few hardware security measures are as follows:
    • using power protection device such as UPS, Volt Guard, voltage regulator, spike guard
    • Insuring the computer so that we can claim for new if any thing happens
    • Using AC for proper functioning of computer. Computer should be usually kept at 17 -24 degree Celsius for proper functioning of computer
    • Fire extinguisher can be kept in computer lab to prevent from fire
    • we can put grill, CCTV ,alarms, security guard in computer lab to protect computer 
    • Computer should be kept in dust free environment 
    • Computer should be regularly maintained

    *What is software security? Write few software security measures.

    Software security is the process securing software and program from being lost or damaged due to accidental or intentional harm.
    Few software security are as follows:
    1.  using antivirus we can secure our software from viruses
    2. using strong password, authentication, bio metrics
    3. not using pirated software
    4. backup important data an software
    5. using firewall

    *Differentiate between E commerce and m-commerce

    E commerce M commerce
    It is process of buying and selling goods and services 
    over internet      
    It is process of buying and selling
    good and services with the help of mobile devices
    It stands for Electronic commerce     It stands for mobile commerce
    it is done using computer and other electronic devices It is done through mobile
    eg daraz, filpcart, amazom etc     eg. khalti, esewa, imepay etc

    *Write advantage and disadvantage of E commerce.

    • we can buy and sell good and services world wide
    • It save our time as we don't need to go store by store
    • we get service 24/7
    • It provide quick delivery and low cost
    • we can compare items and buy in cheap price
    • Initial cost will be high
    • server down may occur
    • there may be security issues
    • our personal data may be used
    • There may be possibility of scam
    • lack of physical touch

    *Define online payment . Explain different types of eCommerce you know 

    Payment done through internet is known online payment.
    Different types of eCommerce are explain below

    a) Business-to-Consumer (B2C) 

    The most common type of E-Commerce is Business-to-Consumer. B2C establishes the electronic business relationships between a business organization (merchant) and final consumers. It corresponds to the retail section of e-commerce, where traditional retail trade normally operates.

    In B2C model, business E-Commerce website is the main platform where all the business transactions take place between a business organization and consumer directly. Amazon. com is a good example of B2C e-commerce.

    b) Business-to-Business (B2B) 

    Business-to-Business (B2B) e-commerce is conducted between companies. Individual customer cannot buy from this type of e-commerce. Producers and wholesalers typically operate with this type of electronic commerce.

    In this model, the product is first sold to wholesaler who then sells the product to the final customer. As an example, a wholesaler places an order from a company's website and after receiving the consignment, sells the end product to final customer who comes to buy the product at wholesaler's retail outlet. is a good example of B2B e-commerce.

    c) Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C)

    Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) type of e-commerce is conducted between consumers. Generally, these transactions are conducted through a third party, which provides the online platform where the transactions are actually carried out. is a good example of C2C website in Nepal. Website following C2C business model helps consumer to sell their assets like residential property, cars, motorcycles etc. or rent a room by publishing their information on the website. Website may or may not charge the consumer for its services. Another consumer may opt to buy the product of the first customer by viewing the post/advertisement on the website.

    *What is cloud computing. Write its advantage and disadvantage.

    Cloud computing is contemporary technology in which we use remote computer or computer resources. We can use it for storage, playing game and even host software.
    popular cloud service provider are as follows:
    Amazon Web Services (AWS)
    Microsoft Azure.
    Google Cloud.

    Advantage of cloud computing

    • cloud computing is cost efficient as it offers enormous storage space, save money resource
    • cloud computing have vary high speed
    • working in cloud computing is easy and very flexible
    • we can access many things easily
    • we can back up and recovery data very easily
    Disadvantage of cloud computing
    • we will have limited access or limited control
    • there may be technical issue
    • cloud computing service may get temporary down
    • some cloud computing service may have lower bandwidth

    * IOT

    IOT stands for Internet of things  is contemporary technology in which we can interact with different electronic things with the help of internet


    It stands of Electronic governance in which government use internet technology to provide different services for its citizens


    VR stand for virtual reality is also contemporary technology. It is device through which we can interact in virtual 3D space. 


    AI stands for Artificial intelligence is also contemporary technology. It is process of making electronic device more intelligent. We can use machine to behave intelligent like human 

    *What is data and information?

    Data is piece of information. It is made up of number, text, symbols , characters etc.
    Well organised collection of data is called information.

    *What is database, RDBMS and DBMS?

    Database is a well organised collection of data.
    DBMS stand for database management system. It is a software using is used to manage , store and organize data in database
    RDBMS stand for Relation database management system. It is DBMS in which there are multiple table connected or related to each other.

    *What are advantage of computerized database?

    Advantage of computerized database are as follows:
    • it provide storage area for large amount of data
    • it control data redundancy
    • it make access to to data easy for user
    • it provide data sharing facilities among user
    • it ensure data security
    • it protect data from physical harm and unauthorized access
    • it allows many user to work at a time
    • it is easy update and make latest modification to database immediately

    *What is extension of ms access?

    Extension of ms access is .accdb, 
    previously it used be .mdb

    *What is DBA? what is his/her responsibilities?

    DBA stands for Database Administrator. DBA responsibilities is to design, manage, maintain and monitor database

    *What is primary key? write its importance?

    Primary key is a unique field of table that uniquely identifies each record in database.
    Importance of primary key are as follows:
    • used to identify each record table uniquely
    • reduce repetition of data (reduce data redundancy)
    • used to set relationship between 2 table

    *What is data type? List different data type of ms access you know?

    Data type is the type that determine the kind of value that can be entered into the field.
    List of data type of ms access are as follows:
    • short text
    • long text(memo)
    • number
    • auto number
    • date/time
    • currency
    • yes/no
    • OLE object
    • Hyperlink
    • attachment
    • lookup wizard
    Learn about all this data type and field property

    *list field property your know?

    Field property I know are as follows:
    • Field size
    • Format
    • input mask
    • Caption
    • Default value
    • validation rule
    • validation text
    • required
    • allow zero length
    • index

    *What is data sorting and filtering?

    Data sorting is define as sorting data in specific order. Numeric Data can be sorted in ascending and descending order. Name or string can be sorted alphabetically.

    Data filtering is define as filtering data according to certain condition. We can only see the required data after data filtering and hide unwanted data.

    *What is query? list types

    Query is an object of DBMS that is used to view, retrieve, change and analyze records from table or multiple table based on specified condition
    types of query are
    select query
    parameter query
    action query(Delete query, update query, append query)
    update query 


    Form is object of DBMS which has good graphical interface and is used for entering data into table


    Report is object of DBMS that is used to create and maintain report of facts in clear and desire format.


    Table is object of DBMS that store data in form of row and column

    *action query

    action query is a query that make changes to many record in just one operation

    *select query 

    select query retrieves data from one or more table and display data 

    *append query 

    Append query is used to add or insert data into table

    *delete query 

    delete query is used to delete data from table

    *What is modular programming? Writes its advantages?

    Modular programming is programming technique in which we divide our program into many small logical , manageable ad functional modules or block
    Advantage of modular programming are as follows:
    • code is reduce
    • easy to maintain code
    • easy to find out error
    • program is more readable

    *Differentiate between sub procedure and function procedure with its syntax?

    refer you note

    *Define local variable , global variable

    local variable is define only with in certain scope
    Global variable is define in overall program.

    *Difference between argument and parameter?

    ==> Argument ( real or actual argument)

    1. Argument is value / variable that is passed to a function when it is invoked(called) is present calling function, in case of Qbasic modular programming it is present in middle portion of code. in CALL function

    3. Just remember formal parameter(declaring and defining function) and actual argument (calling function)

    ==> Parameter(Formal parameter)

    1. Parameter is a variable defined by function that receive value when function is called

    2. It is present in the called function/ sub function(modules)

    3. Just remember formal parameter(declaring and defining function) and actual argument (calling function)

    Write the function of following statements

    Refer you note its very easy ... 2ta question sure ho








    *NAME AS, 










    *SUB ……. END SUB 

    *Explain different modes of opening file 

    Different modes of opening file are as follows:
    OUTPUT mode: used to create new sequential file ad write data into it
    INPUT mode: used to read / display data from existing sequential file
    Append mode: used to add more records in existing sequential data file

    *What is C programming? 

    C is very popular structure programming high level language developed by Dennis Ritche at bell lab USA in 1972. 

    *What are data types of C programming 

    data types of C programming language along with format specifier are give below

    Data Type

    Format Specifier



    Long int








    *Why is C programming called middle level language

    As C is very much close to Assembly level language and vary fast it is also known as middle level computer language.

    *What is structure programming language

    structure programming is a technique for organizing and coding computer program in hierarchy of modules

    Important Programming question Click here
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    ***Happy new year and Best of luck ***
