Concrete class must not be dependent on each other
This is called low couplings. It is good.
High coupling is bad
Using system;
Namespace coupling
Class program
Static void main(string[] args)
Console.writelinw("hello world");
Public class UserInterface
Public void GetData()
Console.write("enter your username");
Var userName = console.readLine();
Console.write("enter your password");
Var password = console.readLine();
IBusines business= new Business();
business.SignUp(userName, password);
Public class Business : IBusines
Public void SignUp(string userName, string password)
// validation
Var dataAccess = new DataAccess();
DataAccess.Store(userName, password);
Public class BusinessV2 : IBusiness
Public void SignUp(string userName, string password)
// validation
Var dataAccess = new DataAccess();
DataAccess.Store(userName, password);
Public class DataAccess : IDataAccess
Public void Store(string userName, string password)
// write the data to db
Public interface IBusiness
Void SignUp(string userName, string password);
Public interface IDataAccess
Void store(string userName, string password);
Reducing coupling
UserInterface -----------> IBusinesClass Interface --------> IDataAccessClass
Benefits of dependency injections
- Clean code : your code is easier to understand
- Better reusability: low couplings allows modules to be reused
- Better unit testing: concrete classes can be replaced by mocks
- Low coupling : concrete classes can be replaced
DI in action
Dependency injections vis constructor
Public class Business: IBusiness
Private readonly IDataAccess _dataaccess;
Public Business (IDataAccess dataAccess)
_dataAccess = dataAccess;
Public void SignUp(string userName, string password)
_dataaccesd.Store(username, password);
Public class UserInterface
Public void GetData()
Console.write("enter your username");
Var userName = console.readLine();
Console.write("enter your password");
Var password = console.readLine();
IDataAccess dal = new DataAccess();
IBusines business= new Business(dal);
business.SignUp(userName, password);
Public class UserInterface
Private readonly IBusiness _business;
Public UserInterface(IBusiness business)
_business = business;
Public void GetData()
Console.write("enter your username");
Var userName = console.readLine();
Console.write("enter your password");
Var password = console.readLine();
_business.SignUp(userName, password);
Static void main(string[] args)
IDataAccess dal = new DataAccess();
IBusiness biz= new Business(dal);
Var UserInterface= new UserInterface(biz);
3 method of injections in serviceCollection Class
Same instance for the entire application
One instance for the whole application
Same instance for the whole request
Everytime a page is viewed (in MVC)
Not perfect for multi threading
Different instance every time object is requested or injected
Everytime a new instance is injected
Suitable for multi threading
Using system;
Using Microsoft.Extenaions.DependencyInjection;
Using System.Threading;
namespace scopedVSTransient
Public class ScopedClass
Public class TransientClass
Class program
Static void main(string [] args)
Var collection= New serviceCollection();
Var builder=collection.BuildServiceProvider();
Parallel.For(1,10, i =>{
Console.WriteLine($"Scoped ID = {builder.GetService<ScopedClass>().GetHashCode().ToString}");
Console.WriteLine($"Transient ID {builder.GetService<TransientClass>().GetHashCode().ToString}");
Console.WriteLine("Hello world!");
Console.WriteLine("press a key");
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