Ethical and Social Issues in ITC

 In this blog we will learn about following

  • ICT and computer ethics
  • Digital citizenship and footprint
  • IT policy of Nepal 2072
  • Electronic Transaction Act 2063
  • opportunities and threats in Social Media
ICT refers to technologies that provide access to information through telecommunication which used various digital technologies to process raw data data  into digital format. ICT has created world a "global village" in which people can communicate with other across the world as if they are physically siting next to one another. 

Computer ethics is set of moral principle or code of conducts that we need follow while we are using computer systematically without making harm to other users. It deals with procedures, values and practices that controls the process of consuming/using computer technology without damaging or violating the moral value.

10 commandments of computer ethics are as follows:

  • do not use a computer to harm other people.
  • do not interfere with other people's computer work.
  • do not snoop around in other people's files.
  • do not use a computer to steal.
  • do not use a computer to bear false witness.
  • do not use or copy software for which you have not paid.
  • do not use other people's computer resources without authorization.
  • do not appropriate other people's intellectual output.
  • do think about the social consequences of the program you write.
  • do use a computer in ways that show consideration and respect.

  • Digital Citizenship 
    in simple word A digital citizen is a person utilizing information technology (IT) in order to engage in society, politics, and government .Digital citizenship refers to responsible use of technology by anyone who use computer, internet or any digital device to engage with society or any level. Now a days internet is widely used technology that is very advance and the whole world is being more dependent on the internet for day to day activities. Now a days we use internet for taking our online class, for checking bank account, purchasing a product, or simply keeping in touch. We can also connect with each other through social media. We act as digital citizens.
    Advantage of digital citizenship
    • keeps you connect 
    • you can express yourself
    • Quick communication
    • people can share ideas
    • Brings people with the same interests together
    • Enhance the learning experience by allowing students to communication

     Digital citizenship is composed of different elements. Following are the elements of digital citizenship.:
    • Digital Access: access to technology and online resource
    •  Digital Commerce: The act of promoting the purchase of goods through electronic means 
    •  Digital Communication and collaboration: Electronic exchange of information 
    •  Digital literacy: Teaching and learning about technology digital citizen are technically sound 
    • Digital Etiquette: behaving with good behavior or ethics in society electronically
    • Digital Fluency: process of understanding technology and its use 
    •  Digital Health: The solution to health problems using digital technology 
    • Digital Law: Act, rules and regulations required for performing electrical work or electronic responsibility for action and deeds along with the creating of rules and policy that address issues related to the online world
    • Digital right and responsibilities: set of right  of digital citizens to have privacy and speech
    • Digital security and Privacy: is electronic precaution to guarantee safety. digital citizen should be safe by practicing . Safety measure like password, virus protection and backup data should be done by digital citizen
    Digital Footprint
    Digital Footprint means the recording of interaction with the digital world. We leave behind the Digital Footprint trail using online technology. These include digital cameras, i-pods, smartphones, laptops and computers. Therefore, a digital footprint is like an invisible report card which is stored for many years. This gives a general reflection of our online activity. Digital Footprints can be used for both good and bad purpose.

    The following should be considered when managing Digital Footprint: 
    •  Subscribed accounts and unused social media accounts which are no longer in use should be unsubscribed or deleted. 
    •  Ensure the content posted protect your privacy. 
    •  Not to forget that online posts are private. 
    •  To note that parents, teachers and other people can view the content posted. 
    •  Ensure the content posted does not damage yours or others reputation. 
    advantage of digital footprint:
    • Fraud or legal issues can more easily be detected
    • Personalization(like suggested products or related advertising) serves to add value to our use of internet
    • companies can easily offer incentives based on interest and needs
    some disadvantage of digital footprint
    • personal data can be used to generate revenue with out knowledge
    • can be annoying and distracting because of internet
    • Purchase behavior data may be used as a basis to reduce credit limits or increase interest rate
    There may be few advantage of digital footprint but in future it is going  to play very crucial role in serving right content to web user and it will help online  web service providers to understand their clients and serve accordingly

    Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. It has bad consequences. Kids who are bullied can experience negative physical, social, emotional, academic, and mental health issues. kids who bully other can also engage in violent and other risky behaviors into adulthood. Kids who bully are more likely to Abuse alcohol and other drugs, criminals activities and different bad activities.
    Cyber bullying is bullying that takes place over digital devices like cell phones, computers, and tablets. Cyberbullying can occur through SMS, Text, and apps, or online in social media, forums, or gaming where people can view, participate in, or share content. Cyberbullying includes sending, posting, or sharing negative, harmful, false, or mean content about someone else. It can include sharing personal or private information about someone else causing embarrassment or humiliation. Some cyberbullying crosses the line into unlawful or criminal behavior.

    The most common places where cyberbullying occurs are: 
    •  Social Media, such as Facebook, Instagram, Snap Chat, and Twitter 
    •  SMS (Short Message Service) also known as Text Message sent through cell phone 
    •  Instant Message (via devices, email provider services, apps, and social media messaging features) 
    •  Email Examples of cyberbullying: 
    •  Sending rude emails, texts or instant messages online or on the phone 
    •  Being excluded from online groups or forums 
    • Offensive chat on online gaming 
    •  Posting hurtful things about someone on social media 
    •  Spreading rumours or gossip about someone online 
    •  Making fun of someone in an online chat that includes multiple people 
    • Attacking or killing an avatar or character in an online game, constantly and on purpose 
    •  Pretending to be another person by creating a fake online profile 
    •  Threatening or intimidating someone online or in a text message 
    •  Taking an embarrassing photo or video and sharing it without permission
    Cyber Law
    With the development of the internet, the access of people in the computers worldwide has increased. It has provided many new opportunities. But along with these new opportunities, there were people trying to take advantage of these developments to harm others. That is the reason cyber law is required. A law should be considered as a tool to punish the wrongdoers. Absence of proper law makes difficulty for the authorities to regulate and control the activities.
    The legal issues related to using of inter-networked information technology. Cyber law is a term that encapsulates the legal issues related to the use of communicative, transactional, and distributive aspects of networked information devices and technologies. Cyber law is not one law but it is a set of different laws meant to control and regularize the activities taking place in the cyberspace. (Cyberspace is the virtual environment created by the Internet and devices and services related to the Internet.) Some leading topics of cyber law include hacking, intellectual property theft, credit card cloning, phishing, cyberbullying, privacy issue; freedom of expression, jurisdiction and the list goes on and on. To regulate the crime in this dimension of our life, governments come up with “Cyber Law.”

    ICT Policy 2072

    Information technology (IT) is the use of any computers, storage, networking and other physical devices, infrastructure to create, process, store, secure and exchange all forms of electronic data. IT includes several layers of physical equipment (hardware), virtualization and management or automation tools, operating systems and applications (software) used to perform essential functions such as laptops, smartphones etc. Combination of information technology and telecommunication technology is called information communication technology (ICT). The government of Nepal revised the former policy and came up with the Information Communication Policy 2072 (2015) intending to regulate Information Communication Technology as a whole. This policy emphasizes the need for a precise and consistent enactment and regulatory framework for addressing converged regime of telecommunications, broadcasting and ICT. The use of ICT can make the government more efficient and effective, facilitate more accessible government services, allow greater public access to information, and make government more accountable. It is the most cost-effective tool in improving public service delivery and government to government (G2G) communication. 
    This policy is primarily designed to guide and mainstream the use of ICTs in all sectors of the Nepalese economy within the overall context of socio-economic development and poverty reduction agenda pursued by the country. The policy states that appropriate programs will be developed and implemented to improve following sectors like education, agriculture, health, research and development, industry, promotion of e-Commerce, tourism, cloud computing, telecommunication and so on through the use of ICTs. 
    The followings are the few goals the policy envisages to achieve: 
    • Enhancement of overall national ICT readiness with the objective of being at least in the top second quartile of the international ICT development index and e-Government rankings by 2020 
    •  75 % of the population to have digital literacy skills by the end of 2020 
    •  Universal broadband access to all people on an equitable basis to be in place. By 2020, 90 percent of the population to have access to broadband services 
    • The role and significance of ICT industries and services (including telecom services) to increase in the Nepali economy with ICT value added (including digital content and service industry) accounting for at least 7.5% of GDP by 2020 
    •  Apex level institutional arrangement to be restructured to effectively drive ICT agenda in the country in the light of emerging technologies and application trends shaping the sector 
    •  By 2020, entire population of Nepal to have access to Internet 
    •  80% of all citizens facing government services to be offered online by 2020 
    • e-Procurement to be promoted as means of driving transparency through government procurement processes covering all public procurement of goods and services irrespective of cost and volume of such procurements by 2018
    • G2G implementation to be promoted with a view to achieve complete automation of the operations of land administration, revenue administration and management, vital registration, passport and citizenship certificate services by 2020
    click here to know about IT policy easily and briefly 

    Electronic Transaction Act(ETA)
    Electronic Transaction Act (ETA) deals with issues related to cybercrime and also help in making and implementing laws over cybercrime. It has made different requirements so that if anyone found committing cybercrime, he/she will be punished according to the nature of the crime. The legal provisions for authentication and regularization of the recognition, validity, integrity and reliability of generation, production, processing, storage, communication and transmission system of electronic records by making the transactions to be carried out by means of electronic data exchange or by any other means of electronic communications, reliable and secured and for controlling the acts of unauthorized use of electronic records or of making alteration in such records through the illegal manner ETA has been enacted to regulate electronic business. The house of representative (HoR) of the government of Nepal approved the electronic transaction act- 2063 on Manghir 18, 2063 (December 4, 2006) and the era of electronic transaction is started in Nepal.
    Cyber law of Nepal is commonly known as Electronic Transaction and Digital signature Act. First cyber law was established in 30th Bhadra 2061 BS (15th September 2004AD).
    The cyber law in Nepal was formulated after making a thorough discussion of the IT Acts already implemented in other countries.
    It contains strong provision of punishment against cyber crimes according to the nature of crime. The different crime mentioned in the law include hacking, damage to computer source code, breach of privacy and faking digital signatures. As per the provision of law government is fully authorized to punished cyber criminals - both an individual or an institution with imprisonment are fine
    offences of ETA
    • provide punishment for cyber offenders with 5 years of imprisonment or fine up to 50000 rs . Punishments depends upon severity of crime.
    • provides provision of an appellate judicial body to listen to complaints, cases and cyber related crime
    • provides punishment to hacker who
      1. download , copies or extract data from database without permission of owner
      2. introduce computer virus into any computer or computer network
      3. Damage programs or data residing in a computer or network or illegally copies them
      4. Disrupts a computer or network
    • Provides legal status for various banking transactions through electronic media, which will be instrumental in boosting economic activities throughout the world via internet

    Opportunities and Threats in Social Media
    Social media is a process of performing a variety of tech-enabled activities via virtual communities and network. It plays a vital role in changing the way of people communicate and keep in touch. Social media includes activities such as photo sharing, blogging, social networks, video sharing, business networks, virtual worlds, etc. It also provides a platform to build career opportunities and share the thoughts, feelings, insight and emotions. Social media is an important approach to digital marketing. It is an indispensable tool for business. Even governments and politicians use social media to engage with constituents and voters. Social media is continuously evolving with all marketing channels. It is providing tremendous opportunities for various brands to reach their customers. 
    Some of the opportunities and benefits of social media are as follows:
     i. Brand Development Branding is an important stage in any business that focuses on long-term business. Social media is a spectacular tool to grow a business. It allows customers to connect and interact with the business on a more personal level.
    ii. Target Audience Social media is one of the effective platforms to reach the target audience. For example, 83% of social advertisers get connected to Instagram in order to attract a younger audience whereas 80% of social media leads come from LinkedIn. 
    iii. Customer Interaction Social media makes easy for brands to share the contents. It provides an easy platform to respond questions and feedbacks. 
    iv. Attracting Customer Social media can be a good way of attracting new customers. The customers can be attracted with various promotional or giveaway posts. Once you have a good following you can focus on more personalized social media campaign to encourage them to stay. v. Research Social media helps to understand social consumers or market trends. Simply logging on to it you can see what your competitors are doing or finding out what your customers are saying about your brand may be a valuable exercise.

    Social Media Threats 

    i. Unethical Social Engineering One of the biggest threats of social media is social engineering. It allows attackers to find personal information that can be used to target specific individuals.
    ii. Targeted Phishing Attacks These attacks are carried out to steal money or certain confidential information. Targeted Phishing attacks are frequently successful as they focus on the organization's weakest point "Employee". 

    iii. Fake Accounts In July 2010, a fake profile named Robin Sage was made to request connections to random people, which most of them accepted without knowing who the woman was. The seriousness of such social media threats are underscored and is considered that the fake account, in this case, was successful in connecting thousands of peoples from various different fields.
    iv. Social Media used for spreading spam and malware Certain users in social media are found sharing malicious contents. They create unwanted spam and are shared through chat, comments and more. The spam and malicious contents can appear in many forms such as bulk messages, hate speech, fake friends and many more 
